
Monday 28 May 2012

The Daily Teaser — 28-5-2012

Hmmm … 

You know, I’ve GOT to give ITV drama, Appropriate Adult some kudos: it did rather well at last night’s BAFTA’s.

And have to be pleased that Terry Pratchett’s documentary, Choosing to Die ALSO did rather well, bagging itself the Best Single Documentary gong.

What’s really annoying … ?

Is The Fades.

It’s been cancelled, as I’m sure you’ve realised.

Despite the fact that it for nominated for Best Drama Series.

Which it THEN proceeded to win, last night … !

Now, I’ll happily repeat my belief it was cancelled because the producers couldn’t sell it abroad.

But also stress by believe that a cult series earns the name for a reason … !

Here’s the show’s producers on the subject.

Oh, and about Choosing to Die

And get moving on … 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: who, along with agreeing with me that Waterstones — of all people — selling Kindles* seemed disappointing, to say the least, also bagged 5 out of 5.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 28th May, 1937, saw President Roosevelt formally open the Golden Gate Bridge: in which Californian city is the Golden Gate Bridge … ?
Q2) 28th May, 1998, saw which country test its first nuclear weapon … ?
Q3) 28th May, 1951, saw the first broadcast of The Goon Show: which of the Goons was the main writer for the series … ?
Q4) More to the point, what was the title the show was originally broadcast under … ?
Q5) And more to the point, which Goon later went on to play Inspector Clouseau … ?
Q6) Moving on … 28th May, 1987, saw amateur pilot, Mathias Rust, land where … ?
Q7) And finally … 28th May, 1999, saw which of Da Vinci’s works go back on display … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 27th May, 1927, saw Ford Motors cease making the iconic Model T: what was the name of the car they replaced it with … ?
A1) The Model A.
Q2) More to the point, in which Huxley-penned, science-fiction novel is Henry Ford — and the Model T — regarded as almost holy … ?
A2) Brave New World.
Q3) 27th May, 1937, saw what Californian landmark open to pedestrian traffic … ?
A3) The Golden Gate Bridge.
Q4) 27th May, 1997, saw the US Supreme Court rule Paula Jones could pursue a sexual harassment charge … against whom … ?
A4) President Bill Clinton.
Q5) And finally … 27th May, 1957, saw CHUM-AM become Canada’s first Top 40, Rock and Roll station: which city did it broadcast from … ?
A5) Toronto.   (I should add, here, that Chum is also the name of a popular brand of dog food in the UK.   A radio station calling itself CHUM … ?   Had me doing a double take, there … )
Enjoy those, everyone: as it’s Creedence Clearwater Revival frontman, John Fogerty’s birthday, I’ll leave you with their best known tune.

*        You’re right, there, Debbi: and much as I’m behind choice — and completely behind using the latest techno-widget to do something — sometimes, these decisions seem nonsensical … !

1 comment:

  1. As an ebook author, I'm completely in support of choice and ereaders. The problem is that Amazon has a great, big head start as an e-publisher AND is using the publishing industry's own content to benefit as a retailer.

    In other words, it wants to have its cake and eat it, too.

    If authors set themselves up as book producers (like film producers), we could do the same thing, and level the playing field. That's what I intend to do. And that's a preview of coming attractions. :)

    More later!

    Thanks for posting the Terry Pratchett video. I wish I could meet him.

    1. San Francisco
    2. Pakistan
    3. Spike Milligan
    4. Crazy People
    5. Peter Sellers
    6. Red Square, Moscow
    7. The Last Supper


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