
Wednesday 23 May 2012

An Open Letter to Brentwood Councillors

You know, I’ve written for years now, against the planned building work in Saint James Road.

Just next to Brunel house, so you know.

Mostly where I’ve felt it’s extremely dangerous to local residents: in that it prevents — or seriously impedes, I should say — emergency vehicle access to the area.

With that in mind … ?

With that in mind, I sent an open email to every Brentwood councillor whose email address I could find.

Whether it’ll help, or not, I don’t know, but I thought I should repeat it, here, today.

Here‘s what I said.
Dear Councillor, 
As I’m sure you’re aware, tomorrow night sees a Planning committee meeting: and on the agenda for that meeting is the vote to approve or reject the plans for a mixed development, next to Brunel House, in Saint James Road, in the Brentwood West ward.
As you may or may not know, it’s a development that I and many other residents have objected to, for many years.
I’m writing to you to urge you — if you’re on that planning committee* — to vote to reject Taylor Wimpey’s plans for the area.
As you may know, I’ve objected — personally — to the plans in person, and hope to be there, tomorrow.
I still object.
Mostly on the basis that I — like others — have been VERY aware of the CURRENT difficulties emergency vehicles have in gaining access to Saint James Road and Rollason Way: something I know is highlight by Essex Fire Service in the proposal.
And I still believe that this is a major issue, as highlighted by recently reported events in the Brentwood Gazette.
I ALSO firmly believe — still — that the situation will be made far worse, should the proposals be voted through: and believe the proposed double yellow lines will only shift parks cars in Saint James Road to Rollason Way, Wharf Road, Chase Road and Kings Chase.
The access problems would have shifted, not been improved.
In closing … ?
In closing I would urge councillors on the committee to vote against this proposals.
And those not on it to urge their colleagues to vote against it.
Frankly, doing so will prevent lives being taken.

* I know some councillors will not be on the committee: I would urge you — if you’re not — to have your colleagues who ARE, to read this letter.

Here’s hoping that has some sort of effect.

And doesn’t turn out to be a stitch-up.

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