
Friday 24 August 2012

Frost/Nixon: Talking Heads Are Rarely This Good … 

23/08/2012 22:58

Do you remember me saying, a while ago, now, that there seemed to be a rule — for certain kinds of horror or thriller movie — that says Keep ’em isolated, it’ll scare ’em senseless … ?

Well, I did.

And I hate to admit it, I think I’ve ALSO come across something else, here, too.

Sometimes … ?

Riveting drama is just two people talking.

At least, Silence of the Lambs famously showed us that.

As did the movie I’ve just caught, tonight: the 2008 film, Ron Howard, Frost/Nixon … 


24/08/2012 21:53

Based on the play of the same name, Frost/Nixon tells the story of the by now famous series of interviews of disgraced former US president, Richard Nixon (Frank Langella) by David Frost (Michael Sheen): including Frost’s efforts to both fund — and sell — the interviews to US networks.

And Nixon’s efforts to throw his interviewer off track: something that’s not always as successful as he wants.

Oh … Just to show you how accurate that was … 

You can tell this is going to end badly, can’t you … ?


Now, I have to admit, I’ve not seen Michael Sheen in his breakout role — as Tony Blairº in The Deal — but have always been impressed by him in those appearances of of his I have caught*.

Personally, though, I thought the real scene stealer was Frank Langella as Nixon: incredible stuff!

Either way, I am seriously going to suggest you catch this film, even if you — like me — aren’t as au fait with the Watergate Scandal, the original play, or the original interviews as you could be.

You’ll catch a bloody good drama … that boils down to two people talking …

*        Do I mention The Doctor’s Wife, here … ?   Sheen voiced House … 

º        Although I don’t know if it’s as good as John Culshaw’s … 

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