
Friday 17 August 2012

The Daily Teaser — 17-08-2012

Dropkixx Poster
Bleugh … !

I really have to start getting some early nights … !

My eyeballs feel like they’s just done ten rounds with Giant Haystacks.

Actually, talking of wrestling, I’ve mentioned fellow movie maven, Kevin D, before now, haven’t I … ?   Yes, I have.

Bless, Kevin’s a bit of a grapple fan: AND semi-pro wrestler.

AND helping to organise the Dropkixx show, in Brentwood Theatre, the first Friday in September.   You can find out more details, here: and book tickets from Brentwood Theatre’s box office, on 01277 200305.

Now … 

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and, along with telling us she felt Brian Wilson was ahead of his time, also bagging either 4 out of 6 or 6 out of 6, depending on how you define the answers.

Let’s see how she — and you, and me — do with todays questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 17th August, 1944, saw the birth of software magnate, Larry Ellison: which software company was he the co-founder and CEO of … ?
Q2) More to the point, which well known piece of open source software had that company been associated with … ?
Q3) 17th August, 1960, saw which country gain independence from France … ?
Q4) 17th August, 1959, saw the release of Kind Of Blue, considered to be the best selling Jazz album of all time.   Who recorded it?
Q5) 17th August, 1987, saw Rudolf Hess found dead in his prison cell: in which prison was he being held … ?
Q6) And finally … 17th August, 1907, saw the opening of Pike Place Market: in which US city is Pike Place Market … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 16th August, 1977, saw the death of Elvis Presley: what was his middle name?   A1) Aaron.
Q2) More to the point, what was his last UK solo No 1 … ?   A2) A Little Less Conversation, as remixed by DJ JXL.
Q3) Equally to the point, what was his first US hit single … ?   A3) Heartbreak Hotel.
Q4) Moving on … 16th August, 1896, saw three men discover gold: in a tributary of which river … ?   A4) The Klondike.
Q5) 16th August, 1989, saw solar flares knock out which North American city’s stock market … ?   A5) Toronto’s.
Q6) And finally … 16th August, 2003,saw the death of Idi Amin: who won an Oscar for playing Amin, in The Last King Of Scotland … ?   A6) Forest Whitaker.
Enjoy those, everyone.

As it’s De La Soul frontman, Posdnous’ birthday, today, I’ll leave you with this tune … 

And a quote from VS Naipaul …
“One always writes comedy at the moment of deepest hysteria.”V S Naipaul, born 1932

*        Sorry, Debbi, it’s too early in the morning to be this early in the morning … !   But if it’s any help, I’ve ALSO included links to the Wikipedia Elvis discography: and defined ‘hit’ as anything in the Top Forty.   Although the fact the US has several different charts — and Top Fortys! — REALLY doesn’t helpº … !

º        Debbi, did Trevor and I introduce you to the “running around like a blue-arsed fly”, when you and Rick were here … ?   Because that’s a good phrase to use, if you want me to tell you about researching any given single in the US charts … ! :D

1 comment:

  1. That's a great phrase. :) I also love the quote!

    1. Oracle Corporation
    2. MySQL
    3. Gabon
    4. Miles Davis
    5. Spandau Prison
    6. Seattle (I've been to that market, actually, while I was visiting my sister in Portland)


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