
Tuesday 11 September 2012

The Daily Teaser — 11-09-2012

*Yawns Gently, sips tea*

Yep … 

It’s one of those morning, where a touch more sleep could’ve come in handy.

But there we go.

At ANY rate … ?

At any, having managed to get out of bed, this morning, the least I can do is offer my congratulations to Andy Murray.   He’s managed to actually win a Grand Slam title: this year’s US Open, at Flushing Meadows, in New York.

Given that Great Britain’s done rather well in this year’s Olympic Games, I think we can say that’s a rather nice finish to the summer, wouldn’t you … ?

Let’s get moving on, shall we … 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: and, along with agreeing with me that Steven Moffat feeling he had to get off Twitter* was sad, also managing to bag 5 out of 5.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 11th September, 2001, saw the notorious al-Qaeda attacks on New York: what does al-Qaeda translate into English as?
Q2) More to the point, al-Qaeda’s leader, Osama bin Laden, was in which country, when finally killed by US special forces … ?
Q3) Moving on … 11th September, 1565, saw Ottoman forces retreat from which island, at the end of a siege: Malta, Gibraltar or Sicily … ?
Q4) 11th September, 2005, saw Israeli troops finally pull out of which contested area … ?
Q5) 11th September, 1919, saw US troops invade which Central American republic?
Q6) And finally … 11th September, 1847, saw the first performance of which American song … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) According to the WHO, 10th September, 2012, is World what Prevention Day … ?
A1) Suicide.
Q2) 10th September, 1932, saw the IND line go into operation: this was the  third line in which city’s Tube system … ?
A2) New York’s.
Q3) 10th September, 1823, saw who named as President of Peru … ?
A3) Simón Bolivar.
Q4) 10th September, 1988, saw TV presenters Mike Smith and Sarah Greene involved in a serious helicopter crash: they survived, and went on to marry in which year …?
A4) 1989.
Q5) And finally … 10th September, 1963, saw which credit card service go into service in the UK … ?
A5) American Express.   (Although strictly speaking, it’s a Charge card.)
Enjoy those, everyone.

I’ll leave you with this quote from D. H. Lawrence, after Sons and Lovers was initially rejected …
“Curse the blasted, jelly-boned swines, the slimy, the belly-wriggling invertebrates, the miserable sodding rotters, the flaming sods, the sniveling, dribbling, dithering palsied pulse-less lot that make up England today.”
D. H. Lawrenceª (11 September 1885 – 2 March 1930)
And, in memory of the late Peter Tosh, here’s Steppin’ Razor, who died on this day in 1987…

*        Definitely a bit sad, when that happens, Debbiº … 

ª        Not a man without anger management issues … 

º        If it’s any help, though, Debbi … ?   Episode 3’s a western … 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I noticed that. Looked pretty fun! :)

    1. the base
    2. Pakistan
    3. Malta
    4. the Gaza Strip
    5. Honduras (maybe)
    6. Oh! Susanna


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