
Sunday 23 September 2012

The Daily Teaser — 23-09-2012

Now this’ll sound weird … 

But does anyone have a spare monitor, keyboard, mouse, kettle lead and a copy of Mac OS X 10•4•x … ?

Anyone … ?

I’ll admit, I’m cadging: and for a reason.   One of my neighbours has given me an old G4 PowerMac tower: unfortunately, without the relevant bits and bobs.

Hmmm … 

OK … 

Look’s I’m going to have go on the serious scrounge.

Let’s get moving on, shall we?


Yes, let’s … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Grub putting their answers in.   With Debbi gently reminding me to save a few pirate tunes for my nephew, Jude*, it saw both bagging 8 out of 8.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s Equinoxº questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, license and video … 

Q1) 23rd September, 2012 is this years’s Autumnal Equinox: in which hemisphere?
Q2) More to the point, which equinox is it, in the other hemisphere … ?
Q3) Even MORE to the point, the equinox marks the time of year when what are of equal length … ?
Q4) As a final equinoctial question … In which year did Jean Michel Jarré release his Equinoxe album … ?
Q5) 23rd September, 1845, saw the founding of the Knickerbockers Baseball Club: in which US city … ?
Q6) 23rd September, 1980, saw Bob Marley perform the last concert of his life: what was the name of his last UK Top Forty hit, during his lifetime … ?
Q7) And finally … 23rd September, 2000, saw which British sportsman win their fifth Olympic gold … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 22nd September saw the birth of two of the characters of the Lord of the Rings novels: name either of them …    A1) Bilbo and Frodo Baggins.
Q2) More to the point, those two characters belonged to which family … ?   A2) The Baggins family.
Q3) Even MORE to the point … both those characters famously carried … what … ?   A3) The One Ring.
Q4) Moving on … 22nd September, 1957, saw François Duvalier elected as President of where … ?   A4) Haiti.
Q5) More to the point, what was his nickname … ?   A5) Papa Doc.
Q6) 22nd September, 1914, saw three Royal Navy ships sunk: by a German what … ?   A6) Submarine.
Q7) 22nd September, 1955, saw ITV — Britain’s first commercial TV station — go on air: what does ITV stand for … ?   A7) Independent Television.
Q8) And finally … 22nd September, 1991, saw the Huntington Library — near Pasadena, in California — make which scrolls available to the public … ?   A8) The Dead Sea Scrolls.
Enjoy those, everyone.

I’ll leave you with this quote from Mickey Rooney …
“When I say I do, the justice of the peace replies, ‘I know, I know…’”Mickey Rooney (born Joseph Yule Jnr, September 23, 1920)
And considering to is the 103rd anniversary of the first publication of The Phantom Of the Opera in Le Gaulois magazine, I’ll leave you with Sarah Brightman and Steve Harley, doing their thing … 

*        Actually, Debbi, did I tell you … ?   He’s walking … !   Bless her, Anna, my other sister, sent me the video, last night … !

º        Yes, I know, I know … I got my dates mixed upª.   Play fair, though, it’s not THAT often it happens.

ª        Frankly … ?   I’m blaming Jimmy Wales … 

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome about Jude! :) It doesn't take long for kids to go from crawling to walking, as I understand it. Not that I'd know. Ha ha ha ... I'm the clueless, kid-free aunt. :)

    1. northern
    2. vernal
    3. the night and day
    4. 1978
    5. New York City
    6. One Love/People Get Ready
    7. Steve Redgrave


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