
Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Gazette’s Weekly Teaser: Hello, Good Evening, and Welcome.

You know, it’s sort of official … !

I’m now — officially — allowed to come out of the closet.


Not THAT closet … !

It’s got WAY too much glitter … !

No, the one I’m talking about … ?

Is the one you’d’ve found out about, if you’ve bought this week’s Brentwood Gazette.

More specifically, you’d’ve realised the Gazette’s editor, Neville Wilson, has had a feature called the Gazette People planned for some time.

It’s covering a lot of things.

I know fellow blogger — and history buff — Sylvia Kent’s done a rather good article on the area’s pubs.   Stuart Wilks, from Brentwood Bus and Rail User Association, has put some points in.   With Stephen Mayo and Brian Lynch putting in some seriously hefty article.

And what’s more … ?

What’s more, practically all of us putting in our mini-bios.

Actually … ?   If James Radford’s reading this, I HAVE to say … You know Monopoly was a blatant rip off of The Landlord’s Game … ?   (You’ve got to love Wikipedia, haven’t you … ?)

At ANY rate … 

At any rate, I’m an official Gazette person.

And what’s more, I’ve had some questions published.

To be precise, I’ve had these ones published.
Q1) 26th September is the European Day of Languages, according to whom: UNESCO, the Council of Europe or the International Telecommunications Union … ?
Q2) More to the point, how many full members does that group have … ?
Q3) Moving on … name any of the six modern Celtic languages … 
Q4) More to the point, how many languages are native to the UK … ?
Q5) How many alphabets are native to Europe … ?
Q6) Name one of those alphabets …
Q7) How many official languages are there, in the European Union … ?
Q8) What term is given to a language used as a bridge language, by people who don’t share a common tongue … ?
Q9) Name either of the two European countries where Basque is spoken.
Q10) And finally … What’s the only Semitic language spoken in Europe?

I’ll let you chew those over for the week, shall I … ?

And give you the answers next week.

Neville will kill me, if I give the game away any earlier … !

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