
Thursday 4 October 2012

The Daily Teaser — 04-10-2012

Hmmm … 

It’s — officially — Thursday.

Which, obviously, means it’s the day after Wednesday.

You know that, obviously.

Personally … ?   Personally, I’m hoping that means that anyone reading this week’s edition of the Brentwood Gazette are enjoying it.

I’ll be frank … ?

I’ll be frank, you’re favourite internet Quiz Master now has his own Gazette People section.   And I’m hoping it’s giving people headaches … !

But let’s get moving on, shall we?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbiº and Mr Strict putting in their answers:with Debbi reminding us she’s off to Bouchercon, this weekend, it saw her edging ahead of Mr S by scoring 6 out of 6, versus his 5 out 6*.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 4th October, 1957, saw the launch of Sputnik 1: by which country’s space agency … ?
Q2) More to the point, what does Sputnik mean, when translated into English … ?
Q3) As a final Sputnik 1 question: which car company produced the a Sputnik model?
Q4) Moving on … 4th October, 2004, saw which spacecraft win the Ansari X prize for being the first privately owned spacecraft into space … ?
Q5) 4th October, 1927, saw Gutzon Borglum begin work on which sculpture … ?
Q6) And finally … 4th October, 1227, saw the assassination of Caliph Abdallah al-Adil.   Which north African country was he caliph of … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 3rd October, 1952, saw the rationing of what, in the UK, finish … ?
A1) Tea.
Q2) More to the point, the first companies to import that substance into the UK included various Chinese Hongs … and who else … ?
A2) The British East India Company.
Q3) Moving on … 3rd October, 1990, saw the reunification of Germany: what was East Germany known, until that reunification … ?
A3) The German Democratic Republic: or Deutsche Demokratische Republik
Q4) 3rd October, 1908, saw who move Russian newspaper, Pravda to Vienna?
A4) Leon Trotsky: who famously got an icepick, that made his ears burn ….
Q5) 3rd October, 1957, saw Howl and Other Poems ruled not obscene.   Who wrote Howl and Other Poems … ?
A5) Allen Ginsberg.
Q6) And finally … 3rd October, 1957, saw the birth of which English DJ … ?
A6) Tim Westwood.
Enjoy those, everyone.

Given it’s Susan Sarandon’s birthday, I’ll leave you with her signature tune, shall I … ?

And this quote from Sir Terence Conran …
“I’ve never seen an ugly hand tool; it’s a perfect example of form and function coming together to produce something that not only works, but is also aesthetically beautiful.”
Sir Terence Conran, born 4 October 1931
And considering we’ve had at least three questions about it … ?

I’ll leave you with a word from Sputnik 1.

Oh, and as it’s National Poetry Day in the UK … ?

I’ll leave you with Lewisham’s favourite poem … 

*        ’Fraid it was wasn’t the Dutch East Indies Company, Mr S … 

º        Good luck that, Debbi: DON’T FORGET THE BATH MAT!!  And SERIOUSLY, be careful!   Have a good time, though.   (Oh, and I’ve just finished the rather Yummy Least Wanted … )

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