
Saturday 17 November 2012

Chernobyl Diaries: Hmmm …

And yes … 

I’m thinking I mean ‘Hmmm’.

You see, I have to admit to having rented a movie, last night: the 2012 release, Chernobyl Diaries

And I’m none too sure if it was money well spent.

But let me see if I can’t tell you about it … 


Chernobyl Diaries sees a group of friends — Chris (Jesse McCartney), his girlfriend Natalie (Olivia Taylor Dudley), and their mutual friend Amanda (Devin Kelley), Chris’ brother, Paul (Jonathan Sadowski), along with fellow travellers, Zoe (Ingrid Bolsø Berdal) and Michæl (Nathan Phillips) — all touring Europe.

And ALL deciding, whilst in the Ukraine, to visit the city of Pripyat: best remembered as home to the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

The city has been abandoned since the melt-down in 1986.

Apparently abandoned …  


Now, I was saying Hmmm at the start of this post … ?

Yes, I did.

I think I’ve a good reason.

I’m thinking Chernobyl Diaries is a well made small budget film: nicely scripted, acted and directed.

Saying that?

I’m ALSO very aware that the film seemed very unoriginal: or, from where I’m sitting, very reminiscent of both The Descent and Cloverfield.

Without necessarily doing anything especially stunning to grab and hold my attention: which is something of a shame, as the scriptwriter behind the film, Orin Peli, was also the man behind Insidious.   A film I thoroughly enjoyed.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, Chernobyl Diaries is watchable: and possibly entertaining.

It’s just one I wan’t completely enamoured of: you might be.
Chernobyl Diaries


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