
Tuesday 13 November 2012

The Daily Teaser — 13-11-2012

You know, I have to admit to having been in at the Work Programme I attend, yesterday.

Which always leaves me feeling vaguely ambiguous, frankly.

After all, despite their best efforts, I’m still job-hunting: in pretty much the same way as I’ve been doing, as they’ve not managed to suggest much in the way of improvements.

It’s something of a chore, in that sense.

On the upside, though … ?   Well, is the simple fact that it’s a day out.

OK, only as far as to Basildon.

But, at the moment, that’s better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick*.

Let’s get moving on, shall we?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: and, along with bagging 7 out of 7, also telling us that military executions — I’d mentioned that the statue in the Shot At Dawn memorial at the National Arboretum was modelled on a 17-year-old victim — were both sad: and put her in mind of the film, Breaker Morantº.

But let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 13th November, 1994, saw the people of Sweden vote to join the EU: what currency is used in 17 EU nations … ?
Q2) More to the point, name any of the three non-EU countries that officially use the Euro … 
Q3) 13th November, 1947, saw the Soviet Union complete development of which extremely well known weapon … ?
Q4) 13th November, 1969, saw Irene Hanson give birth to live … what … ?
Q5) 13th November, 1910, saw the birth of Patrick Reid, a former British army officer.   Where — in 1942 — did he escape from … ?
Q6) And finally … 13th November, 1969, saw Vietnam War protestors hold a March Against Death.   In which US city … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 12th November, 1980, saw Voyager 1 makes its closest approach to Saturn: what did it photograph first … ?
A1) The rings of Saturn.
Q2) Which of Saturn’s moons was Voyager 1 also tasked with exploring … ?
A2) Titan.
Q3) Many of Saturn’s moons are named after figures from which mythology: Roman, Persian or Greek … ?
A3) Greek.
Q4) How many moons does Saturn have … ?
A4) At least 62.
Q5) Which planet had the Voyager 1 visited, prior to getting to Saturn … ?
A5) Jupiter.
Q6) Name either of the planets Voyager 2 visited, that Voyager 1 didn’t … 
A6) Uranus and Neptune.
Q7) And finally … greetings in how many languages are on the Voyager Golden Records … ?
A7) 55.
Enjoy those, everyone.

As it’s her birthday, today, I’ll leave you with Butterfly by Koda Kumi.

And with this quote from Augustine of Hippo.
Cantare Amantis est</>”“To sing is the work of a lover.”Augustine of Hippo, November 13, 354 – August 28, 430

*        But, then, so many things are.   You have to wonder about that phrase … 

º        It has to be said, Debbi, that looks like one very powerful movie: with some powerful dialogue, going by that quoted in the Wikipedia entry.   (That war also saw the invention — by Britain — of the Concentration Camp.   My country has had worse moments.   I’m blowed if I know where they are, though …)

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. About the phrase and the not-so-great parts of one's country's history. The thought of slavery is disgusting to me. Yet, Jefferson kept slaves. Well, there you go! :)

    1. the euro
    2. Montenegro, Kosovo, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican City
    3. the atomic bomb
    4. quintuplets
    5. Colditz Castle
    6. Washington, D.C.


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