
Friday 23 November 2012

The Daily Teaser — 23-11-2012: The Dr Who Teaser

Blast … !

And I was looking forward to a nice quiet Friday, today.

But, no: one gets the karma one deserves.

In MY case … ?

My washing machine’s just blown up: or the motor that makes the drum spin, has blown.

Which basically means my washing is … well, going to be hand washed for a while.

Unless I can persuade Santa a new one’s in order.

Isn’t life fun?

Let’s move on … 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: on top of telling us about her Thanksgiving*, she ALSO managed to score 7 out of 7.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s themed questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 23rd November, 1963, saw the debut episode of Dr Who aired.   Name any of the eleven actors who’ve played the character … on TV
Q2) More to the point, name the one actor to have played the part on film … 
Q3) What’s the name of the first episode — episode! — to feature the Daleks … ?
Q4) According to the new version of the series, the Daleks fought the Last Great Time War with whom … ?
Q5) And finally … who’s the current head writer for the show … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 22nd November, 1995, saw the release of the first film to be entirely made using computer generated imagery: which film was it … ?
A1) Toy Story.
Q2) More to the point, who played Sarge, in that movie … ?
A2) R. Lee Ermey: who’s best ALSO remembered as the psychotic Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket.
Q3) Name the studio who made that film … 
A3) Pixar.
Q4) Moving on … 22nd November, 1869, saw the launch of what’s now the only surviving tea-clipper on Earth: what’s it called … ?
A4) The Cutty Sark.
Q5) More to the point, that clipper is named after a witch in which Robert Burns poem … ?
A5) Tam O’Shanter.
Q6) 22nd November, 1908, saw the standardization of which alphabet: the Albanian, the Belgian or the Croatian … ?
A6) The Albanian.
Q7) And finally … 22nd November, 1988, saw the formal unveiling of the B-2 Spirit.   How is this better — or more notoriously — known … ?
A7) The stealth bomber.   (As I recall, there were a lot of sightings of triangular UFOs during the 1980s.   Then guess what gets unveiled … )
Enjoy those, everyone.

As it’s a themed Teaser, today, I’ll leave you with this quote from the (fictional) Dr River Song.
“And all this, my love … in fear of you.”
Words written for the character River Song.
And with the show’s theme tune.

Actually, as I’ve quoted the lady, herself† … 

And what I think is still one of Sci-fi’s more powerful scenesª … 

*        Glad to here it went so well, Debbi!   I don’t think the UK has anything like it, bar Christmas.   Or possibly New Year’s Eve.   (Traditionally, New Year’s Eve doesn’t involve the turkey, just the wine.   And beer.   And whisky.   And vodka.   And then more beer.   And cider.   And then maybe something green and sticky with a rude name.   And then, maybe, another beer.   Then you actually get to the party.   You can SEE why Britain has a reputation, can’t you … ?)

º        I’m excluding some of the comedy specials made for things like Children in Need.

ª        This time, next year, sees the fiftieth anniversary of the show’s debut.   I wonder … when WILL he get back … ?

†        Oh, just in case you can’t get to it in the US, that’s the Doctor’s confrontation with River in A Good Man Goes To War.   Personally, I feel that — for me — is where Matt Smith’s 11th Dr starting working … 


  1. The answers for your Dr Who teasers are ( I think )
    1. Tom Baker.
    2. Peter Cushing.
    3. The Dead Planet.
    4. Time Lords.
    5. Steven Moffat.

  2. I loved the teaser! :) You're right. The scene with River wouldn't play, but the one with Susan is so moving. Awesome! :)

    1. Tom Baker
    2. Paul McGann
    3. The Daleks, aka The Mutants
    aka, The Dead Planet
    4. the Time Lords
    5. Steven Moffat


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