
Monday 26 November 2012

The Daily Teaser — 26-11-2013

Oh, now that’s a shame … 

But also not entirely unexpected.   It seems that Merlin is coming to an end, at the conclusion of the current series.

Like I say, that’s a shame.   The cast, crew and writers have been entertaining people for the past five: and — to my way of thinking — done VERY well at it.

I can only hope the last episodes of the series make as much of a bang as the last episode of Blakes’ 7.

That any budget spent on the series by the BBC is spent on a series that’s equally as goodª.

And that cast and crew are equally as successful in the future.

Now, with that said … ?   Let’s get moving on.


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along with telling us one of her more recent posts is covers and extends an earlier one,  also bagging a debatable — very debatable — 6 out of 7*.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 26th November, 1778, saw the first Europeans visit Maui: who led that expedition … ?
Q2) More to the point, in which chain of islands is Maui … ?
Q3) Who served as the main ship’s master, on that voyage … ?
Q4) Moving on … 26th November, 1953, saw the House Of Lords vote to allow commercial television in the UK: how is that first resulting station generally known … ?
Q5) 26th November, 1977, saw part of that commercial network highjacked by someone calling themselves what: Vrillon, Gillon or Ashteron … ?
Q6) And finally … 26th November, 1998, saw Tony Blair become the first  British PM, to address the parliament of the Republic of Ireland: what’s that parliament’s name … in Irish … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 25th November, 571 BC, saw Servius Tullius celebrate his victory over the Etruscans.   Where was Tullius king of: Rome, Egypt or China … ?
A1) Ancient Rome..
Q2) 25th November, 1998, saw the government of which country collapse … ?
A2) Turkey.
Q3) 25th November, 1975, saw Suriname gain independence: from where … ?
A3) The Netherlands.
Q4) More to the point, how was Suriname — semi-officially — referred to, until 1954 … ?
A4) Dutch Guiana.
Q5) 25th November, 1963, saw President Kennedy laid to rest, in Washington: which President represented France, at that funeral … ?
A5) Charles De Gaulle.
Q6) And finally … 25th November, 1947, saw the blacklisting of the original Hollywood Ten: what were they blacklisted for … ?
A6) Communists.
Enjoy those, everyone.

As it’s Brotherhood of Man singer Martin Lee’s birthday, I’ll leave you with their big hit.

With this quote from AA co-founder, Bill W …
“There is however, a vast amount of fun about it all.  I suppose some would be shocked at our seeming worldliness and levity.  But just underneath there is deadly seriousness.”William Griffith Wilson, also known as Bill W.
Oh … 

As the Rolling Stones have started their 50th anniversary tour, I’ll leave you with this take on Start Me Upº … 

*        You know, I THINK I owe you an apology about that, Debbi: I really could’ve phrased that last question differently/better … !   Oh, almost forgot, did Rick find any of the information handy … ?   I know’s he’s mentioned he’ll be looking up Aricept … 

º        Trust me, it’s VERY silly … !

ª        And one that’s hopefully another science fiction or fantasy series: although I realise that the BBC may chose NOT to do so.


  1. A1 Captain James Cook
    A2 Hawaiian Islands
    A3 Captain Charles Clerke
    A4 London ITV
    A5 Vrillon
    A6 Tithe an Oireachtais – made up of Dáil Éireann (Lower house) and Seanad Éireann (Upper House).

  2. Ah, no problem, Paul! :)

    Rick will talk to her doctor during her next visit. I think the drug causes dizziness, and she lives alone, so he's a bit concerned. We're working on it.

    She's not driving anymore. That's for sure. Others will help with that. Thank goodness! :)

    1. James Cook
    2. Hawaiian
    3. William Bligh
    4. Independent Television or ITV
    5. Vrillon
    6. Tithe an Oireachtais


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