
Sunday 11 November 2012

The Remembrance Day Teaser — 11-11-2012

Hmmm … 

Wouldn’t you just know it … ?

Today is Remembrance Sunday: and of course, given the on-going situation with the Saville Scandal, and the Newsnight dropping the proverbial ball on child abuse allegations aimed at Lord McAlpine … 

The day’s been somewhat over-shadowed by the fact BBC’s Director General, George Entwistle, has resigned.

Which is a shame: and definitely overshadows both today’s events.   And the damage so many people have suffered over the years.

Hmm … I think ‘Least Said, soonest mended’ should be the thing, here.   Let’s get moving on.


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbiª putting in her answers: along with given us a potted guide to the series, Sons Of Anarchy, also bagging 5 out of 6.*

Let’s see how she — and you — do with the Armistice Day questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) This year, 11th November is — obviously — both Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday: set up to remember the armistice that ended World War 1, in 1918.   In which year did WW1 start … ?
Q2) Name either of the politicians who served as British PM, during WW1.
Q3) Equally: who was the ruler of Germany, during WW1 … ?
Q4) How many casualties were there, during the war: 27 million, 37 million or 47 million … ?
Q5) In which church is the UK’s Tomb of the Unknown Warrior … ?
Q6) More to the point, where’s the French equivalent … ?
Q7) In which Belgian town is the Menin Gate to the Missing … ?
Q8) Britain has a National Memorial Arboretum, commemorating British  service men and women who’ve died since World War 2.   In which English county is it … ?
Q9) The Arboretum also includes a statue to those shot at dawn for cowardice during WW1.   According to most modern studies, that cowardice was due to which combat related psychological disorder … ?
Q10) And finally … The red poppy worn in many Commonwealth countries on Remembrance Day is used as it was mentioned in which poem … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 10th November, 1928, saw Emperor Hirohito formally named as Emperor of Japan.   Name any of the three items of Imperial Regalia he would’ve received, during the ceremony.   A1) The sword, Kusanagi, the mirror, Yata no Kagami and the Imperial jewel, Yasakana no Magatama.   (Which sort of looks like a jade prawn … )
Q2) 10th November, 1969, saw the initial broadcast of Sesame Street: what’s the name of the company that produces it … ?   A2) The Children’s Television Workshop.
Q3) More to the point, what’s the name of the Nigerian version of Sesame Street … ?   A3) Sesame Square.   (Seemingly, it focuses on HIV/AIDS education, gender equality … and yams …)
Q4) 10th November, 1951, saw coast to coast telephone services start in which country … ?   A4) The USA.
Q5) 10th November, 1995, saw the execution of activist, Ken Saro-Wiwa: in which African country … ?   A5) Nigeria.
Q6) And finally … 10th November, 1960, saw Penguin’s first run of Lady Chatterly’s Lover, sell out.   The book cost 3 shillings and sixpence at the time: how much — in Sterling — would 3s 6d be, today … ?   A6) 17·5p.
Enjoy those, everyone.

I’ll leave you with these words from The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior …
And with this …

*        Sorry, Debbi!   But pre-decimal UK coinage is a NIGHTMARE … !   (Basically … an old shilling is worth 12 old pence, and five NEW penceº: with an old sixpence being roughly equivalent to 2·5p.   Thankfully, the Bank Of England dropped the Groat, Ryal and Double Leopard several centuries ago … )

º        Actually, as I recall, the last 1 and 2 shilling coins went out of circulation in the early 1980s: they were the same size (and value) as the then current 5p and 10p piece.

ª        Oooh, Shakespeare … !    You’ve got to admit, Debbi, the Bard’s ALWAY’S good for source material … !   (Last night’s Merlin nicked Queen Mab, to give you an example.   And as for Forbidden Planet and West Side Story … )

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely, Paul! Will Shakespeake was awesome. I really got into reading his plays for a time.

    I remember how much I enjoyed Hamlet when I read it. I felt that way about a lot of Shakespeare's work.

    1. 1914
    2. David Lloyd George and Herbert Henry Asquith
    3. Kaiser Wilhelm II
    4. 37 million
    5. Westminster Abbey
    6. the Arc de Triomphe
    7. Ypres
    8. Staffordshire
    9. PTSD
    10. In Flanders Fields


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