
Sunday 13 January 2013

The Daily Teaser — 13-1-2013: Lazy Sunday Afternoon … 

You know, it has to be said … it’s nippy.

Certainly cold.

Frankly … ?   Frankly, we had predictions of snow for my part of the world.

In point of fact, I’ve even got a couple of bags of grit: kindly provided by our local county councillor, David Kendall.

Guess what … ?

It’s nippy: cold, chilly, whatever word you want to use.

But there’s no snow, as yet … 

Let’s move on, shall we?   Before I buy a snow machine … 

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: along with giving Delia Derbyshire a mention — both here, and in this post — she also bagged 6 out of 6.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 13th January, 2013, is a Sunday: the name comes form several old terms meaning ‘Day of the … ’ what … ?
Q2) More to the point, both the Greek and Portuguese names for Sunday, translate as what … ?
Q3) Equally to the point, which Roman Emperor decreed Sunday’s should be the Roman day of rest … ?
Q4) How do many Quakers refer to Sunday: First Day or Seventh Day … ?
Q5) What’s the name of the third Sunday in Advent … ?
Q6) And finally … Who wrote the 1975 novel, Black Sunday … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 12th January, 1895, saw the founding of which British charity: Oxfam, the National Trust, or the British Heart Foundation … ?
A1) The National Trust.
Q2) More to the point, who was the original, female founding member of that charity’s board … ?
A2) Octavia Hill.
Q3) 12th January, 2010, saw a large earthquake destroy much of Haiti, and its capital city.   What’s the name of that capital city … ?
A3) Port-au-Prince.
Q4) 12th January, 1966, saw three British MPs — on a fact-finding mission in Africa — attacked: in which African country … ?
A4) Rhodesia: which is now Zimbabwe.
Q5) 12th January, 1998, saw 19 European nations ban what: human cloning, stem-cell research or genetic modification of food … ?
A5) Reproductive human cloning.
Q6) And finally … 12th January, 1872, saw Yohannes 4th crowned as Emperor of where … ?
A6) Ethiopia.
I’ll leave you with this relevant quote from the mæstro himself, Charles Dickens …
“There is a Sunday conscience as well as a Sunday coat; and those who make religion a secondary concern put the coat and conscience carefully by to put on only once a week.”Charles Dickens
And with this tune from U2 … 

One from Blondie … 

Oh … and a FINAL one from the Small Faces … 

Enjoy the day … 

*        Oh, Debbi, did I ever mention An Electric Storm In Hell … ?   It’s the album she worked on, as a member of a band called White Noise, back in the 1960s.   (You may need to hunt for it: it’s on the UK iTunes store and Amazon —  pardon my French — but I don’t know if it’s available in the US.   There’s also an album called The BBC Presents Music From The Radiophonic Workshop, which is near enough all her work.   I’ve got the latter on my headphones, now: it’s ideal to write to.)


  1. 1. Sabbath
    2. Occupy Living Room
    3. Julius
    4. Seventh Day (Like the movie 6th day??)
    5. Gaudete (I googled it)
    6. Black Sabbath? Ozzy Osbourne

  2. Cool! Thanks for the info, Paul. And for including my post. :)

    1. sun
    2. the Lord's Day
    3. Constantine
    4. First Day
    5. Gaudete Sunday
    6. Thomas Harris


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