
Wednesday 13 February 2013

The Daily Teaser — 13-2-2013

Hmmm … 

It’s officially Wednesday.

Well, you’d guessed that, hadn’t you … ?

It basically means that a) I’ll be signing on and b) I’ll be writing the Gazette’s Teaser for them.

Oh, and c) I’ll be getting a post done about the film I saw last night.

Which was a bit good: not stunning, but certainly entertaining.

At ANY rate … ?   Let’s get moving on, shall we?   Busy, busy, busy … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: as well as bagging 6 out of 6, the day also saw her putting up this post, and kicking herself for forgetting the pancakes* … !

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 13th February, 2001, saw a man go on trial in Glasgow: for knowingly infecting a victim with what … ?
Q2) 13th February, 2012, saw who launch a rocket from French Guiana?
Q3) More to the point, what type of rocket was it … ?
Q4) 13th February, 1955, saw the Israeli government obtain four of the seven then known what … ?
Q5) 13th February, 1971 saw South Vietnamese troops invade which country … ?
Q6) And finally … 13th February, 2000, saw the publication of the last ever Peanuts strip: which Peanuts character is a beagle … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 12th February, 2013 is Shrove Tuesday: in the UK, it’s also known as what Day … ?
A1) Pancake Day.
Q2) It’s also known as Mardi Gras: or ‘what Tuesday’ … ?
A2) Fat Tuesday.
Q3) Moving on … 12th February, 1912, saw the abdication of the Xuantong Emperor: where was he the last emperor of … ?
A3) China.
Q4) What was the name of the 1987 film about the Xuantong Emperor … ?
A4) The Last Emperor.
Q5) 12th February, 1961, saw the USSR launch the Venera 1 mission.   To which planet was the Venera 1 heading … ?
A5) Venus.
Q6) And finally … 12 February, 2013, saw the murder of which Northern Irish solicitor?
A6) Pat Finucane.
I’ll leave you with this song from Peter Gabrielº … 

And this quote from Black Flag frontman and stand-up comedian, Henry Rollins …
“I got three letters today telling me that I’m god. Why can’t I pay the rent?”
Henry Rollins, born February 13, 1961
Enjoy today … !

*       I wouldn’t worry too much, Debbi, it means you’re actually ahead of me: I don’t actually know how to make pancakes … !

º        One line from which reads ‘Whistling tunes, we’re kissing baboons in the jungle’.   Mr Gabriel was feeling especially arty, that day … 

1 comment:

  1. Rick pointed out that we had pancakes on Sunday. So, I guess you could say we celebrated Pancake Day early. I guess. :)

    1. HIV
    2. the European Space Agency
    3. Vega
    4. Dead Sea scrolls
    5. Laos
    6. Snoopy


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