
Friday 15 February 2013

The Daily Teaser — 15-2-2013: It’s Decimal Day.

Hmmm … 

You know, I have to admit, it’s rather difficult, at the mo, to avoid the jokes about the Oscar Pistorius case.

But I’ll try and avoid saying the case has got legs.

After all, we ARE talking about a murder case, here: one that South African police are calling murder.   They also said — yesterday, at a press conference — that there had been ‘allegations of a domestic nature’.

Which does make you wonder, doesn’t it … ?

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Mr Strict putting in their answers: with Mr S bagging 6 out of 7, and Debbi bagging 5, it saw both getting q3* wrong, Debbi telling us she can just about manage her own pancakesº.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s Decimalized questions, shall we … ?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 15th February, 1971, saw Britain decimalize its currency: Britain uses the Pound … what … ?
Q2) Up until then, how many pennies to the Pound were there … ?
Q3) More to the point, how many shillings to the pound were there … ?
Q4) Being logical, then: how many pennies to the shilling … ?
Q5) The shilling was — way back in the Medieval day — deemed to be the value of what … ?
Q6) In pre-decimal money, how much was 2/6d … ?
Q7) How many pennies are there, to the modern, decimalized, pound … ?
Q8) How many different types of decimal British coin are in regular circulation … ?
Q9) Name one of them … 
Q10) And finally … the Latin phrase on British coinage describes the Queen as the defender of the what … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) Saint Valentine of Terni — whose feast is 14th February — was killed during the reign of which Roman Emperor: Aurelius, Hadrian or Commodus … ?
A1) Aurelius.
Q2) Saint Valentine of Rome — ALSO celebrated on 14th of February — was apparently murdered on which Roman road: the via Appia, via Cassia or the via Flaminia … ?
A2) The via Flaminia.
Q3) Fitzwilliam Darcy appeared in which novel?
A3) Pride and Prejudice.
Q4) Which famous novel is set in Wragby Hall?
A4) Lady Chatterly’s Lover .
Q5) Would you make love to an odalisque … ?
A5) Yes: she’s a concubine.
Q6) The recent vote in the House of Commons on same sex marriage, saw how many votes in favour … ?
A6) 400.
Q7) And finally … which fruit was known as the love apple … ?
A7) The tomato.
I’ll leave you with this line from the USA’s most quotable writer …
“The lack of money is the root of all evil.”
Mark Twain.
And with the Pink Floyd tune, Money.

Oh … and a little tune from the UK’s oddest one hit wonders, The Flying Lizards … 

And, lest we forget, Liza Minelli and Joel Grey have a definitive contribution … 

Enjoy the day … 

*        Honestly, chaps!   Pride and Prejudice … !

º        Going completely off topic, Debbi … ?   I like the post … !

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, Paul! :) Hope you like today's, too. It's a bit of fun and promo for one of my favorite authors! :)

    1. sterling
    2. 240
    3. 20
    4. 12
    5. a cow in Kent or a sheep elsewhere
    6. a half-crown
    7. 100
    8. 8
    9. one pound
    10. the Faith


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