
Saturday 2 March 2013

The Daily Teaser — 2-3-2013: Kong … !

Good Grief.

I’m not too sure what’s going on: but, my gods, I’ve got a case of the farts … !

Which would usually be rather embarrassing: if it happened a lot in public.   Thankfully, my rear seems to calm down over the day.

But I’ll tell you what, though.   I’m glad I’ve not got company, so to speak … 

Rocket fuelled’ would not be the phrase … !

Let’s move on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Saint David’s Day Teaser: along with admitting treatment seems to be iffy*, at the mo, she also bagged 6 out of 6.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall weº … ?

Here they are, complete with the ‘How To’, license and video … 

Q1) 2nd March, 1933, saw King Kong makes its US debut.   But at which New York city venue … ?
Q2) More to the point, who directed the 2005 remake of the film … ?
Q3) Who made her first film appearance in the 1976 version of King Kong, opposite Jeff Bridges … ?
Q4) Who played Ann Darrow in the original version of the film … ?
Q5) And finally … King Kong was produced by RKO Pictures.   What did RKO stand for … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st March is — obviously — Saint David’s Day, the feast day of the patron saint of Wales.   What’s the Welsh phrase for Saint David’s Day … ?   
A1) Dydd Dewi Sant.
Q2) Welsh is spoken in Wales: and in part of which South American country … ?   
A2) Argentina.   (In Chubut Province, if you want to be picky.)
Q3) A greeting in Welsh is included on golden records on which spacecraft … ?   
A3) The Voyagers.
Q4) Which member of the Fantastic Four speaks Welsh … ?   
A4) Strictly?   None of them.   The OTHER answers is Mr Fantastic: film and TV actor, Ioan Gruffudd, in other words.   (He speaks it, having been a cast member of S4C’s longest running soap: I’m believe it’s his native language, also I’m not sure where I read that.)
Q5) Which Welsh speaking actress played Livia, in the TV series, I, Claudius … ?   
A5) Siân Phillips.
Q6) And finally … Which designer’s parents were from Welsh mining families … ?   
A6) Mary Quant’s.
I’ll leave you with this line from the film.
“Oh, no, it wasn’t the airplanes. It was Beauty that killed the beast!”
Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham, in the film, King Kong.
And with one of ABBA’s lesser known tunes … 

*        Well, I’ve said it before, and I’ll no doubt say it again, Debbi, I don’t how you manage to cope … !    I’m not sure I could, in your shoes … !

º        I’ve been monkeying around with today’s questions.   No … ?   Never mind … 

1 comment:

  1. It's hard, no question. But, I think being a lawyer has helped me deal with the mental challenges. If you can see both sides of an argument, it gives you greater strength.

    1. Radio City Music Hall
    2. Peter Jackson
    3. Jessica Lange
    4. Fay Wray
    5. Radio Keith Orpheum


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