
Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Daily Teaser — 26-3-2013

Oh, now THAT’S annoying … !

I’ve got to reset my Apple ID!

That’s a bit of a git, at this time of the morning.   Especially when you’ve no idea what the answers to your security questions were … !


Means I’m going to be doing some frantic typing, later … !

Let’s move on, shall we … ?

Lets: before my irritation gets the better of me … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her questions: along with running a question past me, she also managed to bag five out of five.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) In Latin, Tuesday is the dies Martis: or day of which Roman god … ?
Q2) Which Biblical figure do many Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate on a Tuesday … ?
Q3) According to the nursery rhyme, Tuesday’s child is what: fair of face, full of grace, or running a race … ?
Q4) The Tuesday before Ash Wednesday is what Tuesday … ?
Q5) And finally … Tuesday is associated with which Norse god … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 25th March, 1306, saw Robert the Bruce crowned as King of Scotland: at which abbey … ?   
A1) Scone.
Q2) More to the point, that Abbey is near which Scottish town: Glasgow, Inverness or Perth … ?   
A2) Perth.
Q3) For many years, the symbolic Stone the Bruce was crowned on, was held in which London Abbey … ?   
A3) Westminster.
Q4) Robert the Bruce famously led Scotland to victory at which 1314 battle … ?   
A4) The Battle Of Bannockburn.
Q5) And finally … Robert was succeeded as King of Scotland, by his son: under what name did his son take the throne… ?   
A5) David 2nd.
I’ll leave you with this quote from Liam Neeson …
“I’m not the kind of actor that would know what my character had for breakfast last Tuesday.”
Liam Neeson
And this song from The Pogues … 

Now, if you’ll excuse me … ?

I’m going to reset my id … !

*        Actually, neither, Debbi: much as I’d like to look cultural and say Yes.   No, it’s the name of the system voice I prefer using: OS X has about 10 of them … !   I used Bruce on my original G4 tower: when I got Bruce, I defaulted to Alex: and got the names mixed up.   Which possibly sounds strange: admitting I’ve get the voices mixed up … !   (Benny Bernassi’s Satisfaction uses a couple of the other voices: Vicki and the (real) Bruce voice.   I’m just not going to show the video: it’s a bit TOO distracting for this time of the morning … … … !!)


  1. Phew … !

    At ANY rate, I’ve managed to reset my Apple ID password: with the help of a nice chap from Apple’s AppleCare team, called John: or possibly Jean.

    He DID have a French accent, after all … !

    Right …

    Now that’s done … ? I can rent a movie … !

  2. Well done, Paul! Always good to be able to get into your own system. :)

    Nice Tuesday tune, also.

    1. Mars
    2. Paul (I think)
    3. full of grace
    4. Shrove Tuesday
    5. Týr


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