
Friday 29 March 2013

The Daily Teaser — 29-3-2013: It’s Not Good Friday, It’s The Real Thing … !

Hmmm … 

It’s officially Good Friday.

Which means … well, several things, actually.

For ONE thing, pigging out on hot cross buns is near enough obligatory: unless, of course, you’re on a diet, you can’t afford them or — like me — you really can’t be bothered.

The other … ?   Is that the Reverend Justin Welby*, the new Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the Church of England, has just delivered the Thought For The Day on Radio 4: and committed the major faux pas — as far as the Today programme presenters were concerned — of admitting he never usually listens to it.

Hmmm … 

Let’s save his blushes, and move on, shall we … ?

Yes, let’s … !


Yesterday’s Meltdown Teaser saw Debbiº putting in her answers: along with reminding all of us it’s better to be safe, she also managed to score 5 out of 5.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s Real Thing questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 29th March, 1886, saw Dr John Pemberton brew up the first batch of Coca Cola: in which Georgia city … ?
Q2) Pemberton originally sold the drink as Pemberton’swhat … ?
Q3) Pemberton’s original recipe called for thirty pounds — or fourteen kilograms — of what: sugar, salt or pepper … ?
Q4) Some US retailers managed to create demand for Coca Cola made with cane sugar.   This version is usually exported from which Central American country … ?
Q5) In which year was Coca Cola declared Kosher … ?
Q6) Two halal alternatives to Coca Cola have been made in Europe: in France and England.   Name either.
Q7) In which year of the 1980s was New Coke introduced … ?
Q8) And finally … In which year did Coke’s advertisers introduce the “It’s the Real Thing” slogan … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 28th March saw the start of the meltdown at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant.   In which year of the 1970s … ?
A1) 1979.
Q2) In which state is Three Mile Island … ?
A2) Pennsylvania.
Q3) What was the name of the 1979 film about a nuclear meltdown … ?
A3) The China Syndrome.
Q4) 1986 saw a similar accident take place at a reactor: at which Ukrainian power plant … ?
A4) Chernobyl, near the town of Pripyat.
Q5) And finally … the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster occurred after a tsunami and earthquake: in which country … ?
A5) Japan.
I’ll leave you with this thought from Jay Leno …
“There are now more obese people in the United States than there are overweight people. I think it's safe to say that after all these years, Diet Coke is a complete failure.”
Jay Leno.
This rather well known advert … 

And this song: that took its cue from the advert … 

Enjoy your day … 

*        Who — it has to be said — looks like my old comprehensive school physics teacher.

º        Bit of a story for you, Debbi: one of my neighbours complained to me — once — about how he’d received an email from his bank, and ended up with a virus.   I asked him where he’d found the email: in which folder the thing had been in, in other words.   He then had to confess he’d found it in his email Spam folder.   I have to admit, I got a touch harsh with him: and explained the REASON it had ended up there was because it was a hoax email, and he shouldn’t have gone near it.   There’s no helping some people, is there … ?

1 comment:

  1. No, some people never learn. Oh, well. :)

    1. Atlanta
    2. French Wine Coca
    3. sugar
    4. Peru
    5. 1935
    6. Mecca Cola
    7. 1985
    8. 1972


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