
Monday 4 March 2013

The Daily Teaser — 4-3-2013

Well, it HAS to be said: I’m now officially a year older … !

It’s my birthday, today!   So, frankly, I’m going to be thanking everyone for the cards I’ve had, already.

I’ve got to admit, it did take a while setting that up.

The cabling, and playing videos wasn’t the problem.

Oh, no.

Working out which channel to use took me a while: it turns out my TV uses the channel meant for old fashioned VHS recorders.   There’s possibly an irony, there … !

At ANY rate … ?

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ? 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers:along with telling us she’s feeling remarkably clear headed, she also managed to bag 6 out 6.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 4th March, 1933, saw Franklin Delano Roosevelt inaugurated as US President: what had he used as his campaign song … ?
Q2) More to the point, how many FULL terms did he serve as President … ?
Q3) 4th March, 1675, saw John Flamsteed named as the Royal Astronomer: by which King … ?
Q4) 4th March, 2012, saw who elected as President of Russia … ?
Q5) 4th March, 1923, saw the birth of noted TV presenter and amateur astronomer, Sir Patrick Moore.   What was the name of the TV show he presented for many years … ?
Q6) More to the point, what was the name of the star catalogue he created … ?
Q7) And finally … 4th March, 1985, saw the US Food and Drug Administration approve a blood test for which disease … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 3rd March, 1284, saw which Principality incorporated into England … ?
A1) Wales.   (Under the Statute of Rhuddian, so you know.)
Q2) 3rd March, 1924, saw Caliph Abdul Mejid 2nd, deposed: which Caliphate had he been ruler of … ?
A2) The Ottoman Empire.
Q3) That empire is now known as which country … ?
A3) Turkey.
Q4) 3rd March saw a plane from that country crash in Paris: in which year of the 1970s … ?
A4) 1974.
Q5) 3rd March, 1923, saw the first publication of Time magazine.   Who did name as their Person of the Year, in 2012 … ?
A5) President Barack Obama.
Q6) And finally … 3rd March, 1991, saw two countries vote to become independent from the Soviet Union: name either of them.
A6) Latvia and Estonia.
I’ll leave you with this quote from fellow birthday boy, the late Sir Patrick Moore …
“I’m only a four-dimensional creature. Haven’t got a clue how to visualize infinity. Even Einstein hadn’t. I know because I asked him.”
Sir Patrick Moore, 4 March 1923 – 9 December 2012
And with this tune from Swiss band, Yello: as it’s also frontman, Dieter Meier’s birthday … 

*        Well, you’re definitely looking as sharp as ever, Debbi.   Actually … I think that’s possibly the cue for a song … 

(Oh, YouTube’s got the original Lotte Lenya cut, too … )


  1. Ok, I'm re-posting my answers now, and if Blogger vanishes them again, I'm telling!!!

    1) Happy Days Are Here Again
    2) Three
    3) Charles II (unless I got my monarchs in a twist)
    4) Vladimir Putin
    5) The Sky at Night
    6) The Caldwell Calendar
    7) HIV

    Having gotten my daily dose of irritation and hate for Blogger, I'm going to have a good cup of tea. Hugs all around and a kiss to the birthday boy! <3

  2. Thanks for the song, Paul! :) I included it in my post today. Happy birthday again!

    1. Happy Days Are Here Again
    2. 3
    3. Charles II
    4. Vladimir Putin
    5. The Sky at Night
    6. the Caldwell catalogue
    7. AIDS


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