
Wednesday 17 April 2013

The Daily Teaser — 17-4-2013: The Canterbury Tales

Hmmm … 

I think the world — at least, the bit of it in my front room — is having a slow thoughtful pause at the moment.

I’m thinking, here, that today sees the funeral of Margaret Thatcher: while her politics live, as do the divisions she introduced to the nation, hopefully we can start to put an end to the woman.

Ever as I write, I’m thinking it won’t.   It means those who thought well of her, will be further along the road to sanctifying her: something I personally feel is unjustified and possibly dangerous.

Especially when you consider the Queen is going to the funeral: and showing a dangerous amount of political bias in the process.

On top of that … ?   The investigation into the Boston Bombings has shown that the bombs were made from pressure cookers packed with explosives, a pcb triggering mechanism … and lots of nails and ball bearings.   To me, growing up when The Troubles, that sounds vaguely familiar … 

I think we should move on, shouldn’t we … ?   Before I get bleak … 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: along with admitting she’s looking forward to trying some Marmite for the first time, she also scored five out of six.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and Video

Q1) 17th April, 1397, Geoffrey Chaucer formally read The Canterbury Tales to the court of the King of England.   Which king … ?
Q2) In which English county is Canterbury … ?
Q3) The pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales were planning to visit the shrine of which saint … ?
Q4) Which of the tales sees a knight trying to find out what women really want … ?
Q5) And finally … which of the Tales is about a Miller from Trumpington … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 16th April, 73 AD, saw the end of the Siege of Masada: in which (modern-day) country was that Siege … ?
A1) Israel.
Q2) More to the point, forces of which Empire’s army were besieging it … ?
A2) The Roman Empire.
Q3) Many years later, 16th April, 2007, saw the USA’s largest school shooting: at which American University?
A3) Virginia Tech.
Q4) 16th April, 1953, saw the Queen launch the new Royal Yacht: what was it called … ?
A4) The HMY Britannia.
Q5) More to the point, in which year was that Yacht decommissioned … ?
A5) 1997.
Q6) And finally … 16th April, 1945, saw Russian forces begin a final assault on which German city … ?
A6) Berlin.
Enjoy those: I’ll leave you with a line from a certain Mr Chaucer …
“Ech man for hymself, ther is noon other.”
Geoffrey Chaucer, c. 1343 – 25 October 1400
And — thanks to some rather musical history students who nicked California Dreaming — here’s a song about the Tales … 

Have a good day … 

*        Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, Debbi, trust me.   Mind you, my hope at the moment is it’s a lone nutter: that way there’s less chance of another Afghanistan, and we can blame his or her condition.   That sounds awful, I know: but I think I prefer that to the alternatives.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I enjoyed the Marmite, BTW! Very nice on toast with butter. :)

    1. Richard II
    2. Kent
    3. Thomas Becket
    4. The Knight's Tale
    5. The Miller's Tale

    I'm thrilled to see that the debut PiL album will be released in the US in June! :)


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