
Monday 29 April 2013

The Daily Teaser — 29-4-2013: The Syncopated Wobble … 

Hmmm … 

That’s something of a worry.

The various changes to benefit — due to go live in Brentwood in 2015, from what I’m told — officially go live in Greater Manchester, today.

It’s called ‘Universal Credit’, so you know.

The worrying aspect for me is that — up until when the changes go through in Brentwood — my housing benefit goes straight to my landlord: something I’m happy about, as it means I don’t have to worry about it, just keep an eye peeled for the forms, as and when they come through.

It’s ALREADY been shown that arrears go up, in pilot schemes earlier this year.   Personally … ?   I can’t help but think the scheme — basically — whiffs.   In ways only fresh dog poo can.

Let’s get moving on, shall we?   Before I turn into Ben Elton.


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Trevor and Debbi putting in their answers.   With Trevor telling us he’s a bit of a Terry Pratchett fan, and Debbi leaving me — and Sue — a comment about Journey To The Centre of The TARDIS — as well as admitting she’s got more books than time … ! — yesterday saw Trevor bagging 10 out of 10, with Debbi* scoring 8.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 29th April is — according to both UNESCO and the International Theatre Institute — International Dance Day.   It was introduced in which year of the 1980s … ?
Q2) The date was picked to honour Jean-Georges Noverre: the man credited with making which dance form popular … ?
Q3) In which dance would you — at various points — ‘shake it all about’ … ?
Q4) Name either of the two South American countries that the Tango is said to have originated in.
Q5) Which T is both a dance and a hit for Chubby Checker … ?
Q6) What’s the name of the BBC 1 show, focussing on ballroom dancing … ?
Q7) More to the point, what’s the name of the US version of the show … ?
Q8) Raqs sharqi is better known as good old fashioned Egyptian what … ?
Q9) Waltzes are usually in which time signature: ¾, 4/4 or 5/4 … ?
Q10) And finally … The Hopak is traditionally danced by many Ukrainians: and which Russian peoples … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 28th April, 1948, saw the birth of writer, Sir Terry Pratchett, OBE, creator of the Discworld series of books.   In which year of the 1980s was the first Discworld book published … ?
A1) 1983.
Q2) More to the point, what was it called … ?
A2) The Colour Of Magic.
Q3) Name either of the two main characters in the first Discworld novel …
A3) Rincewind and Twoflower.
Q4) Over the series, both of those characters have owned The Luggage: a notoriously hostile trunk on what … ?
A4) Legs.
Q5) Who — having appeared in every Discworld novel, bar two — is Pratchett’s most frequent recurring Discworld character … ?
A5) Death.
Q6) More to the point, what’s the name of that character’s horse … ?
A6) Binky.   (Binky is a perfectly normal horse, whose only ‘magical’ ability is to be able to make ground-level be whatever he wants it to be: even if that’s at two miles up.)
Q7) The Disc’s largest city — Ankh-Morpork — is twinned with which small English town … ?
A7) Wincanton.
Q8) Who’s the current Patrician of Ankh-Morpork … ?
A8) Lord Havelock Vetinari.
Q9) Equally to the point, who is the current commanding officer of Ankh-Morpork City Watch … ?
A9) Samuel ‘Sam’ Vimes.   (Commander Vimes hates the city’s ruling classes, being fairly left wing: AND a descendant of the man who killed the city’s last king.   Unfortunately, and as a result of saving the city a number of times, he’s now the Duke Of Ankh: something he ignores unless he needs it.)
Q10) And finally … The Disc’s most powerful (living) witch first appeared in Equal Rites: who is she … ?
A10) Granny Weatherwax.
Enjoy those: I’ll leave you with a line of Milton …
“Come and trip it as ye go,

On the light fantastic toe.”Line 33 of John Milton’s L’Allegro
And with this dance … 

With this one, if you’re a nightclubbing Charleston type … 

A goat … 

Here’s something for those of us who’d like to strike a pose … 

And finally … ?


*        That episode seems to have definitely seems to have divided opinion, Debbi … !   (Oh, didn’t know you and Trevor were on Pinterest, Debbi: I’ll have to look you both up.   That’s assuming I can remember my password† … !)

†        Is it me, or are there getting to be a LOT of social media sites … ?   I mean, Facebook, Twitter, LinkDn, Pinterest, Badoo, VKonnect, Diaspora … !   One day, someone will invent a social network for the people who don’t want to be on a socail network: which will possibly be a day I slap someone … !

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Paul! Would you believe I've already chosen one of the videos in your post to be on my blog tomorrow? Great minds, right? :)

    Please check it out! I'd love your thoughts. :)

    1. 1982
    2. ballet
    3. the hokey pokey
    4. Argentina and Uruguay
    5. the twist
    6. Strictly Come Dancing
    7. Dancing with the Stars
    8. belly dancing
    9. 3/4
    10. Cossacks


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