
Saturday 11 May 2013

Dr Who — Series 7, Part 2: Episode Twelve — Nightmare In Silver

You know, it’s times like this that I have to ask … 

Why Have I Never Added Warwick Davies as A Tag To A Post … ?

Bless him, he’s been in at least a couple of other things I’ve seen since living in Rollason Way: at least one episode of Merlin, plus, of course, he was the actor who played — to Alan Rickman’s voicing — of Marvin the Paranoid Android, in the film version of The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.

At any rate … ?

I’ve managed to correct that, today, by adding Warwick to list of actors who get a mention in my tag list.   Newcomers will find THAT at the bottom of the page … 

At any rate, you’re probably wondering why on Earth I’m burbling on about, aren’t you … ?

Well … 

I’ve just seen tonight’s episode of Dr Who: and, whilst it’s possibly not the best episode of the show, ever … ?

Neil Gaiman, in writing Nightmare In Silver for the Moffat/Smith era team, has pulled another The Doctor’s Wife, out of the hat: and helped re-define part of the series mythos.

I’d better get explaining, hadn’t I … ?


Following directly on from last week’s episode — The Crimson HorrorNightmare In Silver sees the Doctor —  Matt Smith’s ever ebullient Eleventh — taking Clara — along with Angie* and Artie, the two children she’s the nanny for — to Hedgewick’s World: a world that had been the universe’s largest amusement park, until it closed.

Closed … and bought out by Mr Webley, and his sidekick, Porridge — Warwick Davies — who have an interesting line in running the few remaining waxworks.

And a Mechanical CyberTurk† … !

It’s only after our heroes have moved on, that Webley finds out that his CyberTurk … 

Isn’t as dormant as he thought, being home to the sort of woodworm that only a dead Cyberman could hold … 


Now, did I enjoy this … ?

You betcha … !

Now this may not be the best in series.   But Nightmare in Silver is a thoroughly enjoyable romp of a story, much like the season’s other highlight, Cold War.   One that I’m personally inclined to put on a par with this year’s Ice Warrior episode.

It’s ALSO an episoe that, additionally, adds some new twists to an old foe.

What’s more, Nightmare in Silver that the Cyber Empire’s started calling itself ‘the Cyberiad’: AND has the capacity to do Borg-like cyber-conversions of both humans and othersº.

And some stunning supporting cast, hence my mentioning Warwick Davies, earlier.

And you can’t say fairer than that, now CAN you‡ … ?

*        Eve De Leon Allen and Kassius Carey Johnson, respectively.

†        Which is possibly the nearest any of us will get to see of the original Mechanical Turk: that was exposed as a hoax in the 1820s, but was supposed to be a chess-playing clockwork robot.

‡        Hang on, CYBERMITES … ?   A detachably hand that you can send off to strangle someone … ?   A removable head … ?   How cool is THAT … !!!!!!!!!??!!!

º        I add more in my comment … 

1 comment:

  1. One thing I know I neglected to mention, last night, was the fact that Dr Who’s producers — or just Neil Gaiman in this case — have slightly Borgified the Cybermen.

    Personally … ?

    I actually think the interchange of ideas is actually a good thing.

    The episode shows us a Cyberman threat that not only picks up a few ideas from Star Trek’s Borg — the Cybermites are a cross between the CybetMats and Borg assimilation tubules, along with the fact the a partially converted Mr Webley tells us the Cybermen can now upgrade species other than humanity — as well as adding a few twists that I know I’ve not seen in how the Borg are handled: that how superspeed thing, and assorted detachable cyber-body-parts!


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