
Thursday 16 May 2013

The Daily Teaser — 16-5-2013: Meet the Muppets!

Hmmm … 

That’s interesting to hear.   I’ve got Radio 4 on, again: the Today programme is a definite favourite.

And they’s just played a trailer for the new series of Just A Minute, this coming Monday night.

I’m looking forward to that.

Personally, though … ?   Personally, I’m looking forward to I’m Sorry, I Haven’t A Clue: which will hopefully be on afterwards.

Here’s hoping … !

Let’s move on … 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Terrence and Debbi putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of six*, also saw Debbi† telling us her old friend Bill would’ve LOVED the Portsmouth Sinfonia, and Terrence‡ letting us know yesterday’s was the last Teaser he’ll be joining us for a while.

At any rate … ?

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s mildly Muppetyº questions, shall we … ?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 16th May, 1990, saw the death or Muppets creator, Jim Henson.   What was the name of the first TV show the Muppets appeared in?
Q2) Which children’s show are they famously associated with … ?
Q3) Who are the current owners of the Muppets … ?
Q4) The signature Muppet show — The Muppet Show — was made by Associated Television. In which country … ?
Q5) Steve Whitmire has — since 1990 — been the performer behind which green Muppet … ?
Q6) Which Muppet famously performed a version of I’m Just Wild About Harry, with Jean Stapleton … ?
Q7) And finally … who appeared with Link Hogthrob and Dr Julius Strangepork, in Pigs In Space … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 15th May, 2008, saw California become the second US state to legalize same-sex marriage.   Which state was the first … ?
A1) Massachusetts.
Q2) 15th May, 1905, saw the founding of which US city … ?
A2) Las Vegas.
Q3) More to the point, what US state is it in … ?
A3) Nevada.
Q4) 15th May, 1957, saw the UK test its first H-bomb, over Christmas Island.   In which ocean is Christmas Island … ?
A4) The Pacific Ocean.   (It’s now called Kirimati, I should add.)
Q5) 15th May, 1858, saw the opening of the Royal Opera House: in which West End district … ?
A5) Covent Garden.
Q6) And finally … 15th May, 1935, say the opening of Moscow’s underground system: what’s it called … ?
A6) The Moscow Metro.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll leave you with this thought from Jim Henson …
“My hope still is to leave the world a bit better than when I got here.”
Jim Henson
And … well, what did you think I’ll be playing … ?

*        Sorry, guys, but there’s been a few Christmas Island … !   The one that the tests were on is in the  Pacific Ocean, and now called Kirimati, whereas the one in the Indian Ocean — and this had me confused, as well, for a while — is an Australian national park.

†        I’ve got to admit, Debbi, I loved them when I was younger: they were possibly the only orchestra I stood any chance of joining … !

‡        Nothing we’ve said, I hope, Terrence … ?   I always worry about offending people, unintentionally … !   Either way, you’re welcome to re-join us, as and when you’re, and your presence has been a pleasure and as blessing!   Be well, yourself … !

º        I THINK I’ve just made a word up … 


  1. Blast!

    Wouldn’t you know it, I hit Reject instead of Publish for Mr Strict’s comment!

    Mr Strict has left a new comment on your post "The Daily Teaser — 16-5-2013: Meet the Muppets!":

    1> The Muppet Show.
    2> Sesame Street.
    3> The Disney Channel UK.
    4> The UK.
    5> Kermit the Frog.
    6> Crazy Harry.
    7> Miss Piggy or rather First Mate Piggy

    THANKFULLY, Copy and Paste is a wonderful thing!

  2. Hi! I'm doing these early, because I'll be home late from my writer's group.

    1. The Steve Allen Show
    2. Sesame Street
    3. The Walt Disney Company
    4. England
    5. Kermit the Frog
    6. Crazy Harry
    7. Miss Piggy


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