
Monday 20 May 2013

The Daily Teaser — 20-5-2013: Le Fantôme

It’s official … !

Britain NOW has it’s own astronaut, Major Tim Peake.

Not that he’ll actually be flying until — at the earliest — 2015.

And, yes I know, there’s been British-born astronauts, before now: but Major Peake’s the first to be paid for by the UK’s taxpayer.

Personally … ?

It’s about bloody time!

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along with letting us know she’s proofing the new edition of Identity Crtisis, and leaving a comment on my most recent Dr Who* post, ALSO bagged six out of seven.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 20th May, 1896, saw the collapse of the chandelier in a Paris theatre: which provided the inspiration for the novel, The Phantom of the Opera.   What’s the name of the novel, in French … ?
Q2) Who was the author of The Phantom of the Opera … ?
Q3) More to the point, what was the Phantom’s name … ?
Q4) Who played the Phantom, in the famous 1925, silent film version … ?
Q5) Which English composer and impresario produced a West End version of the story, in 1986 … ?
Q6) And finally … who wrote the Phantom of the Opera sequel, The Phantom of Manhattan … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 19th May, 1649, saw England named as a Commonwealth, or republic, as a result of its Civil War.   Who was named as Lord Protector, or ruler … ?
A1) Oliver Cromwell.
Q2) More to the point, what name was given to the Parliament that made the declaration: the Short, Long or Rump … ?
A2) The Rump Parliament.
Q3) For how long was England a Commonwealth: ten, eleven or twelve years … ?
A3) Eleven years.
Q4) Who was the English King overthrown by the Lord Protector’s forces … ?
A4) Charles 1st.
Q5) During the Civil War that led up to the Commonwealth, what nickname was given to royal forces … ?
A5) The Cavaliers.
Q6) Similarly, what nickname was given to the Parliamentary forces … ?
A6) Roundheads.
Q7) And finally … The Lord Protector in Q1 was replaced by his son.   What was his son’s name … ?
A7) Richard Cromwell.
Enjoy those, everyone.

I’ll leave you with this quote from The Phantom of the Opera
“He lives on within the souls of those who choose to listen to the music of the night.”From The Phantom of the Opera
And with this tune … 

Have a good day.

*        That was Strax, Debbi: possibly one of my favourite characters! And somehow, I wasn’t surprised such a physical character was spending a weekend off … having a pub-fight in Glasgow … ! :D (Which reminds me: there’s POSSIBLY another intro on the way … )

1 comment:

  1. Strax! :) That's right. I like him a LOT! He's fun and feisty, if a bit quick-tempered. But I just love River. Call me biased. What can I say? :)

    1. Le Fantôme de l'Opéra
    2. Gaston Leroux
    3. Erik
    4. Lon Chaney
    5. Andrew Lloyd Webber
    6. Frederick Forsyth

    That is the most beautiful song, BTW.

    I'm so glad I found your blog. :)

    Say hello to Trevor. *waving*


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