
Saturday 25 May 2013

The Daily Teaser — 25-5-2013: Towel Day.

Bloody hell, that was a slow news day, yesterday … !

I mean, one plane downed — at Heathrow — after both engines were damaged.

And another landing at Stanstead after a couple of passengers started making various threatening noises at the crew.

All that, and people NOT shutting up about Woolwich.   (Oh … and writing a Gazette Teaser about the death of the Romanovs … )

Is it any wonder I dug up my copy of Torchwood: Children Of Earth as an alternative … ?   Clucking*, junkie, childnapping aliens — constantly vomiting, clucking, junkie, childnapping aliens, at that — were cheerful in comparison … !

Let’s move on, shall we … ?   Yes … I think we should … 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi† putting in her answers: along with putting up her Memorial Day post, she also bagged seven out of eight.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 25th May, 2013, is Towel Day, honouring the work of the late Douglas Adams.   Which radio series did he write … ?
Q2) The radio series famously features a fiction travel guide: what to words are on its cover … ?
Q3) Which character in the series has two heads … ?
Q4) More to the point, which character claims to have a ‘… brain the size  of a planet’ … ?
Q5) Finally … Who, in 2009, released the sixth book in the series, And Another Thing … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 24th May, 1956, saw the very first Eurovision Song Contest held: in which country … ?
A1) Switzerland.
Q2) More to the point, which country won that first competition … ?
A2) Switzerland.
Q3) In which country is this year’s contest — the 2013 contest — being held … ?
A3) Sweden.
Q4) How many countries are participating in this year’s contest … ?
A4) 39.
Q5) The contest itself is organized by the EBU: what does EBU stand for … ?
A5) European Broadcasting Union.
Q6) In which year of the 1990s was the contest last held in the UK … ?
A6) 1998.
Q7) Who’s this year’s UK singer … ?
A7) Bonnie Tyler.
Q8) Finally — and more to the point — who performed the last winning UK entry … ?
A8) Katrina and the Waves.
I’ll leave you with this thought from Douglas Adams …
“When you're a student or whatever, and you can't afford a car, or a plane fare, or even a train fare, all you can do is hope that someone will stop and pick you up.”  Douglas Adams
And with Journey of the Sorcerer, by The Eagles: which we’ll possibly find familiar … 

Enjoy the day … 

*        I was always heard the phrase from heroin addicts who were withdrawing.   But there you go … 

†        Hope the post helps, Debbi!   (Oh, did you ever see Children Of Earth, Debbi … ?   Well worth catching … )

1 comment:

  1. Hmm ... can't recall if I saw that one, in particular. Hey, I forgot it's Towel Day! Thanks so much for the reminder. I kind of posted about it by accident. Weird, huh? :)

    1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    2. Don't Panic
    3. Zaphod Beeblebrox
    4. Marvin, the Paranoid Android
    5. Eoin Colfer


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