
Saturday 4 May 2013

The Daily Teaser — 4-5-2013: The Royal Observatory … !

Hmmmm … 

It has to be said, I think new connection’s kicking in.

BT, who supply my broadband connection, installed their faster Infinity style connection on my line, on Wednesday.

And, while it’s been noticeably zippier, today’s the day that — given the age of my kit — it’s been seriously zippy: the old white flash issue seem be minimised as a result.

It’s … well … it’s not all good: but it all helps … 

Let’s move on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Trevor putting in their answers: and saw Trevor scoring 6 out of 6, and Debbi* scoring 5, AND putting up part 2 of her California Dreaming series.

Let’s see  how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 4th May, 1675, saw the start of construction of the Royal Greenwich Observatory.   By which King … ?
Q2) In which English city is Greenwich … ?
Q3) The Observatory is the site of the Prime Meridian.   The meridian is the navigation baseline for what: longitude or latitude … ?
Q4) It’s ALSO used as the basis for time in many parts of the world: when it’s known as GMT.   What does GMT stand for … ?
Q5) Who was the first Royal Astronomer … ?
Q6) Who’s the current royal astronomer … ?
Q7) And FINALLY … at what time — GMT — does the famous Greenwich Observatory Time Ball drop … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 3rd May saw the first spam email sent to everyone on the (then) ARPANET.   In which year of the 1970s … ?
A1) 1978.   (Ironically, it’s a rare type of Spam message: it actually generated a few sales … )
Q2) More to the point, the term, spam is a reference — in this case — to a comedy sketch on which TV show … ?
A2) Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
Q3) As well as spam, the sketch included a lot of singing what … ?
A3) Vikings.
Q4) SPIT is spam sent through internet telephone services like Skype.   The word is a contraction of ‘SPam over Internet’ … what … ?
A4) Telephony.
Q5) According to a 2011 Cisco Systems report, 13.9 percent of all spam originated where: Brazil, India, Russia or China … ?
A5) India.
Q6) And finally … That original Spam email was sent on behalf of which computer company … ?
A6) Digital Equipment Corporation.   (And ironically, generated a few sales … )
Enjoy those: I’ll leave you with this this thought …
“The night sky is an amazing spectacle that 90 per cent of the population doesn’t get to see”.
Marek Kukula.
And with a slight touch of Holst … 

Enjoy your day … 

*        Glad to be able to help, Debbi … !   (Oh, ta for the mention, by the way.   And I’ve found you page … !)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Paul! :) And I have a new post going up for Cinco de Mayo announcing the upcoming release of a certain new edition of a certain novel. Can you guess which? :)

    I think you might want to take a look at the acknowledgments. :D

    1. Charles II
    2. London
    3. longitude
    4. Greenwich Mean Time
    5. John Flamsteed
    6. Martin Rees
    7. 1300 hours or 1 p.m.


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