
Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Daily Teaser — 8-5-2013: And not a theme in sight … 

Ye gods … !

I’ve got to say, I’m not really a football fan.

The one news item that HAS been flagging itself up on the morning news, today … ?

Is the fact that Sir Alex Ferguson, manager of Manchester United, may — MAY, please notice — step down from the post on health grounds.

Any other football manager … ?   Any other football manager, wouldn’t be getting the attention.

But Sir Alex, the most successful football manager in the history of the British game … ?

Well … you can see why just the gossip is grabbing attention … !

Let’s move on: this time tomorrow, we’ll know for sure.


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Mr Strict and Debbi putting in their answers.

With Mr S bagging five out of six and Debbi bagging six, it also saw Mr S showing us this relevant trailer — for Interview With A Vampire — and Debbi* putting up this post.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s distinctly non-themed questions.   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 8th May saw Mohandas K. Gandhi begin a 21-day fast against British rule in India.   In which year of the 1930s … ?
Q2) 8th May, 1984, saw the official opening of the Thames Barrier: which features in the 2010 video for which Take That song … ?
Q3) 8th May — in many Lutheran and Anglican traditions — is the feast of Dame Julian of where … ?
Q4) 8th May is also VE, or Victory in Europe, Day: in which month is VJ Day … ?
Q5) And finally … 8th May, 1980, saw the elimination of Smallpox endorsed: by which UN agency … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 7th May, 1718 saw the founding of the city of New Orleans.   What was the name — between 1897 and 1917 — of the city’s famous Red Light District … ?
A1) Storyville: usually, though, locals just called it ‘the District’.
Q2) The first recorded Jazz band from New Orleans were called Kid Ory’s Original Creole … what … ?
A2) Kid Ory’s Original Creole Jazz Band: or Orchestra, in some sources.
Q3) What’s the French name for the oldest part of New Orleans … ?
A3) The Vieux Carré: or French Quarter.
Q4) What was the name of the 2005 hurricane that struck New Orleans … ?
A4) Hurricane Katrina.
Q5) What’s the name of the river that flows through the city … ?
A5) The Lower Mississippi.
Q6) And finally … Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles are set — in part — in New Orleans.   What’s the name of the first of the series … ?
A6) Interview With The Vampire.
I’ll leave you with this thought from writer, Roddy Doyle …
“The problem with being Irish... is having ‘Riverdance’ on your back. It’s a burden at times.”
Roddy Doyle born 8 May 1958
And with this tune, as it’s H’s birthday … 

Enjoy your day … 

*        Sounds interesting, Debbi: I’ll look forward to hearing about it.   I’ve ALWAY’s said it: a good read is a good way of finding out about other bits of the world … !   (Oh, by the way, Debbi: it’s kind of a shame, in a way, about Windows 8: that Metro interface looks like the first time they’ve got something right.   You can tell my design tastes are showing, can’t you … ?)


  1. Just to follow up … ? Sir Alex has formally stepped down.

  2. I'm with you there, Paul! :) What's the old expression about a book being like a frigate? Anyhow, my next post will be a bit longer than usual and will talk more about my (slightly weird) childhood. :)

    1. 1933
    2. I Will Always Love You
    3. Norwich
    4. August
    5. World Health Organization


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