
Sunday 2 June 2013

The Daily Teaser — 2-6-2013

It’s official … !

Matt Smith has announced that he’s to leave Dr Who, at this year’s Christmas special.

For me, that came somewhat out of the blue: but doesn’t seem too surprising.

I say good luck to him, in his future career: he’s truly made the role his own.

The fevered speculation starts here, though.   According to Radio 4, the Sunday Times has already been speculating about the 12th Doctor being a woman.

Personally … ?   I still think there’s plenty of Afro-Caribbean and Asian actors out there who make perfectly good replacements.

Which is assuming John Hurt’s not stitched it up already.

The OTHER question … will be when Steven Moffat’s to move on: although I believe he has at least one more season in him.

Let’s see what Santa turns up with, shall we?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along with bagging five out of five, she also was very flattering about yesterday’s quote and song*.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 2nd June, 1953, saw the Queen crowned: in which church … ?
Q2) 2nd June is also Festa della Republica: in which European country … ?
Q3) 2nd June, 455AD, saw the sacking of that nation’s capital city: which city… ?
Q4) 2nd June, 1835, saw P. T. Barnum’s circus go on it’s first US tour.   What did ‘P. T.’ stand for … ?
Q5) And finally … 2nd June, 2012, saw which former president sentenced to life imprisonment … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st June, 1495, saw the first written records of the manufacture of Scotch Whiskey: by a Friar in which Scottish area: Fife, Inverness or Kincardine … ?
A1) Fife.
Q2) Which grain was Scotch traditionally made from: barley, corn or wheat … ?
A2) Barley.
Q3) Also traditionally, Scotch was measured in multiples of one Dram: usually seen as 1/8th of a fluid … what … ?
A3) Fluid Ounce.   (Although, usually, terms like ‘1/8th’, ‘dram’ and ‘fluid ounce’ depend on how many you’ve had already … )
Q4) According to the legal definition, Scotch cannot be less than how strong: 30%, 40% or 50% … ?
A4) 40%.
Q5) And finally … Scotch was made in various Scots regions: including Highland, Lowland, Campbeltown, Speyside … and where else … ?
A5) Islay.
Enjoy those: I’ll leave you with this thought from Johnny Weismüller …
“We didn’t have the lane ropes, we had to get up higher in the water to avoid the little waves.”
Johnny Weissmuller June 2, 1904 – January 20, 1984
And, as a nod to birthday boy, and Spandau Ballet frontman, Tony Hadley, this tune … 

*        Hopefully, today’s will go down well, Debbi.   Oh, did you catch the opening of today’s Teaser … ?   Any guesses … ?   (Speculating about the next Doctor’s an old national sport: up there with betting on the next James Bond, or who’s going to win the Derby … !)


  1. Can't say that I have any idea. You'd probably have a better idea than I would. After all, they picked Tom Cruise to play Jack Reacher in the movie of Lee Child's novel, for Pete's sake! :)

    Hollywood! Oh, well. Only in America. ;-)

    1. Westminster Abbey
    2. Italy
    3. Rome
    4. Phineas Taylor
    5. Hosni Mubarak

  2. Well I was asked If I would be the next Dr Who but had to turn the part down due to the fact that I can no longer run due to my Dodgey left leg. I know that the series needs some one of my age to give it some gravitas. Now where did I leave my Sonic Screwdriver?


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