
Thursday 26 October 2017

American Horror Story — Series 4: Freak Show — Episode 1: Monsters Among Us

26th October 2017

I have to confess, I’m back to work, tomorrow.

Assuming, off course, my stomach decides NOT to go into spasms.

Which means?

First, I’m up early, tomorrow.   Early enough that I’ll be listening to the BBC’s World Service, as it airs before Radio 4 gets started.

Secondly?   That the Teaser, tomorrow, will get a lot more hits than usual, as a result of that start.   At least, I hope so.

And, thirdly?   That I only had tiome for one episode of a tv box set, tonight.

I fancied something horrific.

I fancied … American Horror Story’s fourth series.

I fancied … Freak Show … !


Episode 1 Monsters Among Us — opens with a milkman on his round: making a delivery to an isolated farmhouse and finding its owner, Mrs Tattler, stabbed to death.

And her daughters, conjoined twins Dot and Betty* (Sarah Paulson), in a similar condition.

At the hospital the pair are taken to?

Is where they met the mysterious Madam Elsa Mars† (Jessica Lange.)

Madam Elsa has a proposition for the girls.   She can offer the pair a measure of sanctuary, AND some income …

As a new star turn.

All they have to do … ?

Is join the Madame Elsa’s Freak Show …

With the police on their trail?   The girls can only agree …

After all … it’s not like the short tempered Jimmy (Evan Peters) is going to do anything about it!


Now … 

Good … ?

Oh, YES!

This opening episode has me thinking that, in Freak Show, the makers of American Horror Story are getting into their stride.

With a sympathetic bunch of characters, Monsters Among Us has me thinking one thing.

I’m looking forward to my next bit of time off.

I want more Freak Show!

*    I’d love to know how they show’s producers did THAT!   Actually?   Mark Wing Davey, the original Zaphod Beeblebrox, would probably ALSO want to know.   At ANY rate?   Bette is — with the pair facing the camera — the right hand head, and a fairly outgoing woman.   Dot, her grumpier sister, is on the left.

†        Madam Elsa talks her way into the secure ward, by conning an intern: played by Grace Gummer.   I was bothered: I couldn’t figure out where I’d seen Gummer.   Until I realised she plays Agent DiPierro in Mr Robot.

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