
Wednesday 18 October 2017

House of Cards — Series 5: Episodes 11, 12 & 13 — Chapters 63, 64 and 65

18th October, 2017.

There’s something of an old … 

No, there’s something of a new slogan doing the rounds: over the past few years.

An advertising slogan, so you know.

“You should’ve gone to Specsavers.”

Britain’s budget optician are very reasonable, on price.

But charged me £7·50, the last time I needed a repair.

An arm dropped off my regular glasses.

That’s another few quid going their way.

Once I get paid!


Not that it’s completely irrelevant to what I’m doing.


Frankly, I’ve managed to buy an album: by Karlheinz Stockhausen, consisting of parts one and two of Kontakte, and a previous electronic work of his, called Gesang der Jünglinge.

I bought it on a whim, to be honest.

I’ve taken a vague — very vague — interest in eleoctronic music: having grown up on the theme tune to Dr Who, And the likes of Gary Numan, OMD and Hot Butter’s Popcorn.

The whim itself?

Got provoked by seeing today’s Google Doodle: marking the studio where a lot of Stockhausen’s electronic stuff was recorded.

Hmmm … 

It’s an album worth hearing, I think: especially if the soundtrack to Forbidden Planet is up your street.


At ANY rate?

That’s not what I meant to tell you about.


I’ve had a night off, tonight … 

Watching the last three episodes of the fifth series of House of Cards.

It’s almost as interesting … 


Episode 11 — Chapter 63 — shows us that Frank (Kevin Spacey) and Claire (Robin Wright) under increasing amounts of pressure.   With the Presidential Team increasing aware Frank may be impeached.

Episode 12 — Chapter 64 — sees Frank taking some desperate measures to make sure Catherine Durant (Jayne Atkinson) doesn’t testify.   He and Claire also have Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly) for dinner.   A potential scandal is looming over the horizon, and they want to see if Doug will take the blame.

Episode 13 — Chapter 65 — The previous episode closes … ?   With Frank resigning. as president: leaving Claire with a clear route to the oval office.   Only realising, near the end?   That Claire isn’t necessarily going to be issuing a much needed presidential pardon for her predecessor.

It’s her turn in the office.

And series six … ?

Could be interesting.


Now … ?

Good?   Yes: yes, and interesting, too.

Frank and Claire, the two central characters that House of Cards turns on are deep, rich, complex … 

And as murderously power hungry as each other.

Literally: after all, episode 12 sees Claire kill her lover, Tom.

I don’t know if Netflix has recommissioned House of Cards for another season …

But with Claire breaking the fourth wall, as well as her husband?

It’s got potential.

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