
Tuesday 17 October 2017

House of Cards — Series 5: Episodes 9 & 10— Chapters 61 & 62

17th October, 2017.

Hmmm … 

There’s something I’m aware of: in the (vague) smog we’ve been facing, just recently.

That TV shows come in, thick: and fast.

That new and interesting ones crop up: when old ones seem to die off.

Perennial favourite, Dr Who is still on the go.

However?   Gotham, now on it’s fourth season in the US?

Seems to be not getting an airing on its former UK home, Channel Five.

Indeed, Netflix seemingly took over, half through season three.

Frankly?   I don’t actually have a Netflix subscription, but, should they start airing Gotham series four?

I’m sure I could change my mind.

At ANY rate, tonight was a night off.

Tonight … ?

I was happily sat in with two episode of series five … of House of Cards … 


Episode 9Chapter 61 — shows us Frank (Kevin Spacey) now as President Elect of the USA.

And a President Elect planning both an inauguration, and the balls — and parties — that go with it.

In the background?

Stamper (Michael Kelly) offers advise about potential new staff.

And Hammerschmidt of the Washington Post … ?   Has some interesting new evidence about the death of Zoe Barnes (Kate Mara): in the shape of a batter mobile phone.

Episode 10Chapter 62 — Shows us Claire (Robin Wright) in her role as vice president: disposing of  the body of a US scientist captured from the Russian science vessel he’d been working on.

The background?   Sees Doug Stamper, chasing down his past.

And the past — in the shape of former President Walker — testifying before a committee.

One that could land Frank is serious trouble.


Now … ?

I know I’m a little terse, with House of Cards, just recently.

To be frank?

Other series are calling me, in-between Spacey pieces to camera.


In terms of sheer quality, House of Cards is still one of the most watchable things on TV.

And a very good advert for Netflix.

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