
Saturday 28 October 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th October, 2017

You know … 

I’m actually mildly annoyed.

I’m starting work, today, at two.

But was asked, Tuesday, whether I could start at 11, today.

Something I was happy to do, and that got confirmed, yesterday morning.

And then got cancelled, yesterday afternoon!

I know management are having trouble communicating: email accounts seem to have gone astray.

But you’d think maybe a note would be an idea … !


At any rate … ?

I mentioned, yesterday, I’d had a very long day?

One upside to it was quite simple.

I managed to catch another episode of Freak Show, the fourth series of American Horror Story.

I don’t know if it’s the best one they’ve made: I’ve still not seen series 5, six or 7, yet.

But these first two episodes are rather good: and loaded with references.

Go look at Twisty, THEN have a look at old portraits of Joey Grimaldi.

Then phone me … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see show everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Chairman Hua Kuo-Feng visited the UK: on 28th October, 1979.   He was the first Communist leader from where, to visit the UK?
Q2) Christian 1’s coronation took place: on 28th October, 1449.   He was king of where: Denmark, France or Germany?
Q3) Gulliver’s Travels was originally published: on 28th October, 1726.   Who wrote Gulliver’s Travels?
Q4) A well known New York monument was dedicated: on 28th October, 1886.   Which well known French statue are we talking about?
Q5) Finally … who was vaccinated against polio: on 28th October, 1956?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 27th October is Black Cat Day, where: the USA, the UK or Spain?
A1) The UK.
Q2) How many breeds of cat can be all black: 21, 22 or 23?
A2) 22.
Q3) What name’s given to the breed of black, Burmese type cats, said to look like panthers?
A3) Bombay.
Q4) In ancient Celtic mythology, there’s a type of fairy said to take the shape of a black cat.   What’s it called?
A4) The cat sith: also spelt sidhe or .
Q5) Finally?   Pluto the black cat appears in which Edgar Allen Poe story?
A5) Appropriately enough?   The Black Cat.
Here’s a thought …
“Aesthetic value is often the by-product of the artist striving to do something else.”
Evelyn Waugh, 28 October 1903 – 10 April 1966.
Here’s a song … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That’s always the way, Olga: as far I I can tell.   Apparently, for Hannibal Lector’s first appearance in The Silence of the Lambs, it was his idea to be standing up.   The character’s a very polite psychotic killer.   Oh, and apparently, he based Hannibal’s voice on HAL in 2001.

†        Hang on, Debbi, the old days, the really old days or the 1960s?   :D   Should be interesting to see what they do with it.   (I keep thinking I should sit down with Battleship Potemkin.    And Ivan the Terrible: apparently, Pt 1 was Stalin’s favourite movie!)


  1. Q1) China
    Q2) Denmark
    Q3) Jonathan Swift
    Q4) The Statue of Liberty
    Q5) Elvis Presley
    I hope work get their act together. Considering it seems to be about communicating... Thanks for the clip. In theory Mamet also had something to do with the script of Hannibal (as far as I understand, they offered it to him, he provided a version that they didn't use but still gave him credit)

  2. Hmmm ... the things they didn't cover in college film studies! That is where I learned about Eisenstein, though.

    1. China
    2. Denmark
    3. Jonathan Swift
    4. the Statue of Liberty
    5. Elvis Presley


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