
Saturday 7 October 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7th October 2017

Bleugh … 

I’m up … 

And, at least theoretically, about.

And wondering what happened, after the interview.

Last Thursday.

I think I might just have … you know … send them an email.


After all, it IS the weekend … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Olga on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 7th October, 1959, saw a Soviet probe transmit the first photographs  of the far side of what: the Moon, the Sun or Mars?
Q2) Fox News was founded on the 7th October.   Of which year?
Q3) 7th October, 2001, saw the US launch air attacks on al-Qaeda and Taliban forces, where: Afghanistan, Pakistan or Kurdistan?
Q4) Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire formed the Dual Alliance: on 7th October, 1879.   The two nations promised to help the other, in case they were attacked.   By whom: Italy, France or Russia?
Q5) Finally … 7th October, 2008, saw an asteroid hit Earth’s atmosphere.   Over which African country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 6th October say the original release of the world’s best know early talking movie: The Jazz Singer.   In which year of the 1920s?
A1) 1927: it’s ninety years old, today.
Q2) Which studio made and distributed the film: Universal, Warner Brothers or RKO?
Q3) The film was written by Alfred Cohn, directed by Alan Crosland: and produced by which Z?
Q4) Who was the film’s (male) star?
A4) Al Jolson.
Q5) That star sung how many songs in the film?
A5) Six.
Q6) Which of them was about a man kissing his girlfriend goodbye: before he gets on a train?
Q7) Before singing that song?   The main character says “You ain’t heard nothin’ …” what?
A7) Yet … !
Q8) The main character is called Jack: and defies his father to become a jazz singer.   Jack’s father was a Jewish hymn singer.   These singers are what: cantors, rabbis or Haredi?
A8) Cantors: the original Jewish term is Hazzan.   (Rabbis, of old, were more teasers, and experts on the Torah: as well as service leaders.   ‘Haredi’ Jews are ultra Orthodox Jews.)
Q9) The film earned how much: $6.6 million,  $7.6 million or $8.6 million?
Q10) Finally … where was the premiere held: Hollywood, Chicago or New York?
A10) New York.
Here’s a thought …
“We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, born 7th October, 1931.
And a song … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        If you’ve got recent ones for sale, or a lot of box sets, Olga, they get the best prices.   And CeX’s online site will give you an idea of what they pay.   They’re not as good as they were, though, as more people stream.   (I think Spain and Catalonia are both what they call Region 2: so the ones you keep, you can play in Spain.   The same goes for blu-rays.)

†        It’s a fun little film, Debbi.   Tons of action, bits of romance, scary villains, and a twisty character reveal!   Worth a watch!   You know Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk, in the new Star Trek?   Remember, in the original series, there’s be tons of fuzzy camera work, when Kirk’s love interest of the week turned up?   I swear, they did that when Wonder Woman and Captain Trevor meet!


  1. Q1) Moon
    Q2) 1996
    Q3) Afghanistan
    Q4) Russia
    Q5) Sudan
    Thanks, Paul. I will check. My DVD player is multi-region (unlocked) as I had quite a number of American DVDs from when I was writing my Ph.D. that I could not find in other places. (Region 1). I'm not sure if I'll keep it or not, but I'll have to watch out for those DVDs as I don't imagine they'll be interested (I used to watch them on my old computer but the new one was locked too...)
    I enjoyed Wonder Woman. I went to watch in Barcelona with my mother who enjoyed it too (she isn't usually into superheroes but she liked that one. And Doctor Strange... To be fair if the movie has a handsome guy on it, she's quite happy.)
    I hope you hear something soon, but I agree it's worth asking if you don't.

  2. Interesting! Can't wait to see it!

    1. the Moon
    2. 1996
    3. Afghanistan
    4. France
    5. Sudan

    Don't despair about the job. Good things come when you least expect! :)


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