
Tuesday 31 October 2017

Star Trek Discovery — Episode 7: Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad

31st October, 2017

Can I make a confession, here?

Right now, I’m … 

Well … 

Tired …

I’ve been up since Monday morning: have arranged a dental appointment, been to work, come home — at just gone eleven — and managed to watch the most recent episode of Star Trek: Discovery.

Possibly not the best thing for someone my age to be doing.

But … ?

Well, it’s Monday night.

And Monday night Star Trek is a thing.


Episode 6Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad — opens with a party on-board the Discovery: interrupted when Michael (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Ash (Shazad Latif) called to the bridge.

It seems the ship has almost hit a space-going creature that needs to be taken to a place of safety.

What the crew don’t realise is the beast has an unwelcome parasite.

In  the shape of a Mr Harcourt Fenton Mudd (Rainn Wilson).

It Seems Mudd has both plans … 

And plenty of time.


Now … 

Did I enjoy the episode?

Yes, I did: although the story idea — the crew of the Discovery caught in a time loop — has been used before.

But it’s nice to see it done, again: and with a certain amount of pace.

Roll on next week: we’ll see if I’m posting before midnight … !

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