
Friday 20 August 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th August, 2021.

20th August, 2021.

Hmmm … 

Did I mention I’m job hunting at the mo?

I’m job hunting: although signed off sick, at this exact moment.

But still have to attend meetings with my work coach.


Is at 12:45 … by video link.

I have to admit … I’m hoping the technology works.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        General William Booth died on 20th August, 1912.   He and his wife, Catherine, found what: the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Salvation Army or the Unification Church?
Q2)        20th August is the Feast day of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.   As head of Clairvaux Abbey, he lead which monastic order: the Cistercians, the Benedictines or the Jesuits?
Q3)        Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai was founded on 20th August, 1926.   It’s which country’s public broadcaster: Tibet’s, Japan’s or Mongolia’s?
Q4)        Actor, André Morrell, was born on 20th August, 1909.   Who did he voice in the 1978 version of The Lord of the Rings: Bilbo, Aragorn or Elrond?
Q5)        Finally … ?   Multi instrumentalist, Dave Brock, was born on 20th August, 1941.   He’s been the founder — and sole constant member — of which English band: Dumpy’s Rusty Nuts, Hawkwind or Marillion?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Gene Roddenberry was born: on 19th August of which year of the 1920s?
A1)        1921.

Q2)        His first series, The Lieutenant, starred Gary Lockwood.   Lockwood played Frank Poole in which science fiction film: Planet of The Apes, 2001: A Space Odyssey or The Time Machine?
A2)        2001: A Space Odyssey.

Q3)        The Menagerie was the pilot episode of Roddenberry’s best known series: Star Trek.   That series first aired in which year of the 1960s?
A3)        1966.   You can read about The Cage, here

Q4)        Gene’s second wife played Nurse Chapel in Star Trek.   What was her name: Nichelle Nichols, Majel Barrett or Diana Muldaur?
A4)        Majel Barrett.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Gene worked on the second Star Trek series: which premiered in 1987.   What was that series called?
Here’s a thought … 
“Disintegration is quite painless, I assure you.”
From Beyond, by H. P. Lovecraft, August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937.
And a song: it’s the Overture’s birthday, today …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        About the only one that was, was Do They Know It’s Christmas, Olga: the original, at least.   I can’t help but think the later versions were milking it, a bit.
        And you’re right: I did see it coming.   I’m still hoping the government will make a last minute change, but … well, I have to be realistic.

†        Lord knows what’ll happen when I retire, Trevor,    I’ve got a contributory pension, somewhere: lord knows how much that’ll be worth.

        Hello, Mum!

^        Yeah: I think TV companies saw their output as very disposable, Debbi.   I was watching the extras from Web Of Fear last night.   The BBC contracts only allowed for the original broadcasts, and one — one — repeat.   (And the animated episode?   Used a hell of a lot of motion capture usedª).   They must have spent a fortune recreating the original sets.)

ª        It’s not perfect, Debbi: or, at least, not quite as good as The Macra Terror or Fury from the Deep.   But it IS a new use of the technology.


  1. Q1) The Salvation Army

    Q2) The Cistercians

    Q3) Japan’s

    Q4) Elrond

    Q5) Hawkwind
    Yes, I am with you. Oh, I love Cabaret, by the way (and saw a great production in Barcelona many years back. And it changed my opinion of a performer who'd represented Spain in Eurovision once, and I thought was not too good, but wow, she shone there, and she's done very well for herself since. I also saw her in Mamma Mia, and it does make a difference to have somebody who can actually sing, rather than Meryl Strip, although the movie isn't about the singing...
    Good luck with the video call, although it is weird that you must have the meeting while you're off sick, although, perhaps you'll get some good (?) advice. Hopefully.

  2. A1 Salvation Army
    A2 Cistercians,
    A3 Japan
    A4 Elrond
    A5 Hawkwind

    I am recovering after seeing last night’s 2 episodes of “The Watch”. It continues to be bad. I am convinced that it will soon have Cult following.

  3. 1 Salvation Army
    2 Benedictines
    3 Japan
    4 Aragorn
    5 Hawkwind

  4. Can't argue with that one! :)

    It's nice to have them restored in some form.

    1. the Salvation Army
    2. the Cistercians
    3. Japan's
    4. Elrond
    5. Hawkwind


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