
Tuesday 24 August 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-8-2021: Oh, Mr Fry … !

24th August, 2021.

It’s officially official.

I didn’t get everything done in I need to do, yesterday.

At least, in Brentwood High Street.

Oh, I got the bills paid, and appointment done.

But have to go back, today … to get shopping.

I hate shopping … !


Politics … politics, politics, politics.

You’re possibly aware I’m job hunting, at the moment, and on Universal Credit, the main benefit for those of us who aren’t working.

When we are … ?   Universal Credit has a taper.

In other words, the benefit’s means tested: you lose sixty-three pence for every pound you earn.

Labour have announced that they would alter this in low paid workers favour: should they win a general election.

Labour also said they’re going to fight the removal of the £20 uplift “with every tool at our disposal.”

But not said whether they’d restore it, once in power.

That’s a fat lot of good, to me.

They’re not in power, right now, and no-one’s offering me job: so the alteration in the taper is a moot point.

They’re in opposition, right now, and seemingly doing nothing that uplift.

And it sounds like they won’t … if they’re in government, in the future.

In my personal opinion?

They, and the Conservatives, are as bad as each other.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Trevor scoring five out of five: and Olga, Debbi and Mum, scoring four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Stephen Fry was born on 24th August.   Of which year of the 1950s?

Q2)        He came to prominence during the 1980s, as part of a double act.   With whom: Hugh Laurie, Emma Thompson or Harry Enfield?

Q3)        He and his comedy partner appeared in the 1990s series Jeeves and Wooster.   Who wrote the novels Jeeves and Wooster was based on: Evelyn Waugh, P. G. Wodehouse or E. M. Forster?

Q4)        The pair were part of the line-up of which Channel Four sketch show: Saturday Live, Saturday Night Live or Who Dares Wins?

Q5)        Famously, he played Lord Melchett in the second series of Blackadder.   Who did he play in the third series?

Q6)        More to the point, who did he play in the fourth series of Blackadder?

Q7)        He suffers with what: depression, bipolar disorder or ADHD?

Q8)        He claims to have bought the third Mac computer sold in the UK.   Who, according to him, bought the first two?

Q9)        He was the original presenter of the panel game, QI.   Who replaced him as chair, in 2016?

Q10)        Finally … ?   As of June of this year, Stephen has 12.4 million followers on what: Facebook, MySpace or Twitter?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        23rd August is the feast day of Saint Rose of Lima.   Lima is the capital of which South American country?
A1)        Peru.

Q2)        Gene Kelly was born on 23rd August, 1912.   In which 1980 film did he play Danny McGuire?
A2)        Xanadu.   Yes: I know he played a Danny McGuire in Cover Girl.   But I said 1980!   Cue the rollerskating … 

Q3)        William Wallace was executed on 23rd August, 1305.   He led an attempted rebellion in which country of the UK: England, Scotland or Wales?
A3)        Scotland.

Q4)        Nat Turner’s slave rebellion was suppressed: on 23rd August, 1831.   Where was that rebellion: Haiti, the USA or China?
A4)        The USA.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Tyre chains were patented on 23rd August, 1904.   They’re supposed to help you drive a car through what: snow, water or lava?
A5)        Snow.
Here’s a thought … 
“I am a lover of truth, a worshipper of freedom, a celebrant at the altar of language and purity and tolerance.”
Stephen Fry.
A song …

And some software advocacy … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, now that’s a tune, Olga!   Thanking you!
        At ANY rate … ?   And about Festa?   Buena suerte!   He says, hoping like hell Google Translate’s got that right!   Feel free to use a Teaser question if needed.
        Now … about that Gene Kelly, question, yesterday … ?   Wouldn’t I just love to use that one in a live quiz … ?

†        Actually, Mum saw the Coronation, as well, Trevor: feel free to ask her about the visiting American.   Which reminds me: I really should add 2001 and 1984, to my To Be Read pile.   Once I’ve finished everything else.   (I’ve got 1001 Arabian Nights coming, I know that …)

        Hello, Mum!

^        That’s why I went for that quote, yesterday, Debbi, it was utterly perfect … !   I’ve got to get Gaiman, as well: once I’ve got through the Books of Blood, Deep Six, Dangerous Visions1001 Arabian Nights … 


  1. A1 1957
    A2 Hugh Laurie
    A3 P. G. Wodehouse
    A4 Saturday Live
    A5 Duke of Wellington
    A6 General Melchett
    A7 Bipolar disorder
    A8 Douglas Adams
    A9 Sandi Toksvig
    A10 Twitter

    Before reading 2001 which was written from the film read the story that inspired the film. That is “The Sentinel” written in the year of my birth and published a few years later in 1951.

  2. Q1) 1957

    Q2) Hugh Laurie

    Q3) P. G. Wodehouse

    Q4) Saturday Live

    Q5) The Duke of Wellington

    Q6) General Melchett

    Q7) Bipolar Disorder

    Q8) Douglas Adams

    Q9) Sandi Toksvig

    Q10) Twitter
    Not going badly so far, Paul. And yes, Festa Major would be the full name, but festa is party or fête in Catalan. The volunteer who was supposed to be helping in the afternoons won't be able to, but they've come up with a plan, although I might have to go some day for a bit, we shall see. And on Saturday, we have an award ceremony given by the Radio Station, and I'll be out with the mobile unit in the afternoon. Oh, and my cousin is coming for lunch as well, so that day I might not get much of a chance to come by, but we shall see.
    Oh, yes, the Gene Kelly question would be a great one for a life quiz. I must say I was a fan of QI, although now I don't have access to it. I hope they decide to adopt it here at some point.
    I agree with you on the political parties...

  3. 1 1957
    2 Hugh Laurie
    3 P G Wodehouse
    4 Saturday Live
    7 Depression
    8 Clive sINCLAIR
    9 Sandi TOLSVIG
    10 TWITTER

  4. So many books, so little time! :)

    1. 1957
    2. Hugh Laurie
    3. P.G. Wodehouse
    4. Saturday Live
    5. the Duke of Wellington
    6. General Melchett
    7. depression
    8. Douglas Adams
    9. Sandi Toksvig
    10. Twitter

    I need to take a nap now. :)


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