
Monday 6 September 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6-9-2021: Bulgaria

6th September, 2021.

Stuff, stuff, stuff … and more stuff!

Believe it or not, I’ve got a phone meeting, today: with my Work and Health Programme case worker.

That’s at ten, so I’m feeling slightly rushed.

I’ve also got to get to my GP’s, to get a Fit note.

THEN get a little shopping: I’m thinking Chilli con Carne would be good, so I’d need peppers.

All that … and get back for six thirty.

The new series of Just a Minute, with Sue Perkins in the chair, starts tonight.

That should be good.


I have to admit, I’m not usually a big music fan.

But was saddened to hear, yesterday, about the death of Girls Aloud member, Sarah Harding: at the age of thirty-nine.

That’s way too young!

RIP Sarah.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on one.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        6th September is Unification Day in Bulgaria: marking the day Eastern Rumelia joined the country.   When did it join: 1885, 1886 or 1887?

Q2)        At the time, Bulgaria was a what: republic, principality or theocracy?

Q3)        Bulgaria’s capital, that year, was Sofia.   What’s the current capital?

Q4)        Modern Bulgaria’s currency is the what: Ruble, Lev or Euro?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Charles Champaud represented Bulgaria at the very first modern what: World Cup, Summer Olympics or Wimbledon?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        Composer, John Cage, was born on 5th September, 1912.   He famously used what as a composition tool: the I Ching, tarot cards or tea leaves?
A1)        The I Ching.

Q2)        5th September is the feast day of Saint Bertin the Great.   Bertin was born in Konstanz, in what’s now where: Germany, Austria or Italy?
A2)        Germany.

Q3)        Louis 14th of France was born on 5th September, 1638.   He was known as the what King: the Sun King, Moon king or Star King?
A3)        The Sun King.

Q4)        Actor Paddy Considine was born on 5th September, 1973.   In which 2016 film did he play Sergeant Eddie Parks?
A4)        The Girl With All The Gifts.   It’s a fantastic film, I should add.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Actress Rose McGowan was born on 5th September, 1973: the same day as Paddy Considine.   In which supernatural, US series did she play Paige Matthews?
A5)        Charmed.
Here’s a motto …
“Съединението прави силата.”
“Unity Makes Strength.”
Bulgaria’s official motto.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It’s just a result of a conversation I had with an old friend, Trevor.   The blurb here, and on YouTube’s, changes occasionally.   (I’ve had to add a point in the video about prizes: after a couple of commentors had immediately demanded their money.   About a Lakh, in rupees (₹), apparently.)
        Wasn’t there a Kohlrabi in Star Trek: The Next Generation?   No, hang on, that was a Kolrami … !

        The Girl With All the Gifts is superb, Olga: I gave it four stars, which means ‘Drop everything and watch it!’   OK, I could maybe NOT hand out so many of these: but it’s worth your time.   
        Ah … you need eggs for those meatballs: I’ll have to give that some thought.   Usually, I’m not a big one for eggs: so I never buy them.   I’ll have to see if I can borrow a couple off of a neighbour.
        And, yes, I go for loose and ugly in Sainsbury.   There’s a phrase!   Getting those vegetables works out cheaper.   They do some prepackaged ones, as well, which helps.

        Hello, Mum!

^        It reminds me of Dickens: and the odd Lovecraft story.   Most of those were serialised, Debbi: assuming my memories working!


  1. Q1) 1885

    Q2) principality

    Q3) Still Sofia.

    Q4) Lev

    Q5) Summer Olympics
    There are probably recipes without the eggs, although my mother (and I when I made them...I no longer eat meat, so not much point other than for someone else) usually added eggs. I don't eat a lot of eggs either, but I quite enjoy an omelette every so often (and they are supposed to be quite good, if you don't overdo them).
    I hope you can fit everything in, today.

  2. A1 1885
    A2 principality
    A3 Sofia
    A4 Lev
    A5 Summer Olympics

    I trust that you will get some fresh chillis for your chilli con carne.

  3. Exactly! So were a number of American pulp fiction authors. :)

    1. 1885
    2. principality
    3. Sofia
    4. Lev
    5. Summer Olympics

  4. Mum managed to put here answers, here,

    1 1885
    2 Republic
    3 Sofia
    4 Lev
    5 Gymnast


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