
Wednesday 13 October 2021

Lovecraft Country — Series 1 Episode 6 — Meet Me in Daegu: A Review

12th October, 2021.

I have to admit: I recorded that introduction video, and uploaded it to YouTube, before I had dinner.

And frankly?

I’m hoping it’s pick me up a few readers, and a few viewers!

You included, I hope.

I’ve also just finished my notes: and will turn those into a completed post, on Wednesday.

Have a good night … !

13th October, 2021.

Right … 

With another day over, more jobs applied for, and more Teasers written?

I can now honestly tell you I’ve got another dinner doing: mash and stew, assuming I’ve switched the oven on.

At any rate … ?

I started this with the intention … not of eating dinner at you: although some clever soul out there’d possibly making a fortune, with ‘at home cooked dinner’ reviews.

But of telling you about what I’ve been watching on TV.

I’ve been watching the HBO series, Lovecraft Country: and thought I should tell you about Episode 6.


Episode 6 — Meet Me in Daegu opens with a recap of earlier episodes: reminding us that ’Tic (Jonathan Majors) had a lover in Korea, and that their relationship had finished ‘in a strange way.’

The scene shifts, after the titles: to show us Ji-ah (Jamie Chung) watching , during a break from her nurses training.

Ji-ah has a secret, though.

Her family is a deeply troubled one: Ji-ah is the illegitimate daughter of Meeh (Cindy Chang), and had been abused by Meeh’s husband.

As a result?   Ji-ah was possessed by a kumiho: a nine tailed fox spirit.   And made to kill her step father, whilst he raped her.

Years later?   Years later we find that Ji-ah has to kill one hundred men: in order to free herself of the spirit.

At the start of the episode, she’s killed the ninety-ninth.

The start of the episode … is also the start of the Korean War, a time when American troops have arrived,  and are hunting down, and executing, Communist spies.

Including Young-ja (Prisca Kim), Ji-ah’s best friend, and fellow nurse.

When the American soldier who captured Young-ja, and shot two other nurses, comes into Ji-ah’s workplace, injured?

Ji-ah decides she’s going to get revenge,  he’s going to be her last victim.

That last victim … ?   Is called ’Tic … 


Now … 

This time, last week, I was telling you about episode five, about Strange Case: and how I’d not necessary been stunned by it.

That’s not to say Strange Case is bad: simply that it wasn’t an episode I was totally engrossed in.

Meet Me in Daegu, on the other hand?

With its mix of ritualised sex, disguised as ritualised murder, and a love story that see ’Tic in genuine danger for his life?

Add to that the fact it steps out side of the main story arc

Is quite simply a brilliant episode: and one that’s one hell of an improvement on its immediate predecessor.

Frankly, I’m going to suggest watching Lovecraft Country.

Episodes like Meet Me in Daegu make it worth you while.

Frankly, I’ll be catch episode seven, next week, on the 19th October.

I’ll be reviewing it, the day after.

I hope you’d care to join me!
Meet Me In Daegu.

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