
Friday 15 October 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-10-2021: Global Handwashing Day

15th October, 2021.

Right … ‘handy to know’ … that’s possibly could have been better phrased.

It could have been something that’s interesting to know!

At any rate … ?

Protest group, Insulate Britain had been making idiots of themselves with various radical protests, over the past few weeks.

While I can agree with their point?

I’ve been a commuter who’s had his trip home delayed by various things: so think the protests … are annoying.

Frankly, I’d be doing the kicking, as well.

At any rate … ?

I’ve noticed recent news.

One piece?   Motorists confronted protestors on the M25.

Understandably, I think: I’ve been equally annoyed, whenever my trip home’s been delayed by people jumping in front of a train.   Sympathetic, yes: but very annoyed.

So seeing that annoyed motorist were confronting protesors, and in ways that could prove dangerous?

Was no surprise.

Then came another piece, yesterday.

That tells us IB have announced they’re suspending protests until 25th October.


Hopefully, that suspension will give them a chance to find a less corrosive place to protest.

As irritating as Mr Stop Brexit was, at least he was just annoying MPs and TV viewers.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Edith†, Mum‡, Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum and Edith on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        15th October is Global Handwashing Day.   The UK’s NHS recommend’s washing our hands for twenty seconds.   In other words, for the time it takes to sing what, twice: Mary Had a Little Lamb, Happy Birthday or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?

Q2)        The NHS also recommends we wash out hands with water, and what: soap, petrol or hydrochloric acid?

Q3)        We can also use which ‘S’: sanitiser, saline solution or sulphuric acid?

Q4)        The ‘S,’ in question three is usually sixty per cent what: alcohol, salt or sulphur?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Over the past few months, handwashing has become an important way of fighting what: COVID-19, Mad Cow Disease or heroin addiction?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Roundhay Garden Scene was recorded: on 14th October, 1888.   It’s believed to be the world’s earliest serving what: film, CD or record?
A1)        Film.

Q2)        MP, Cecil Parkinson resigned his post: on 14th October of which year: 1982, 1983 or 1984?
A2)        1983.

Q3)        Éamon de Valera, former President of Ireland, was born on 14th October, 1882.   He first became president of Ireland in which year: 1958, 1959 or 1960?
A3)        1959.

Q4)        14th October, 1927, saw the birth of actor, Roger Moore.   In which spy series did he play Simon Templar?
A4)        The Saint.   (We know a song about that … )

Q5)        Finally … ?   Felix Baumgartner jumped from a balloon in the stratosphere, on 14th October, 2012. He broke the sound barrier, and landed where: California, New Mexico or Nevada?
A5)        New Mexico.
Here’s a thought … 
“Global Handwashing Day (GHD) is an international handwashing promotion campaign to motivate and mobilize people around the world to improve their handwashing habits.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Global Handwashing Day.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I have to confess, Olga: I thought they’d filmed that video just after Kirsty died.   But no, it was a few months before: she crops up towards the end.
        And, yes, SO many metal band’s could’ve learnt thing or two from him: which is pretty much what I was saying to Edith.   Funny old thing, I’ve got Desert Island Disc on in the background: the guest is an opera singer called Sarah Connolly, and her first song … was Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven.   (Oh, there’s a Dutch band call Within Temptation: the lead singer’s definitely operatic …)
        I hope the exhibition went well: I always think visual art can be a tough subject for the radio!

        I’m just glad we can help, Edith.   And, yeah, you’re right: Cestino’s had quite a voice.   You don’t hear those, every day, do you?   (If I’ve understood what Olga was saying, he was in the Spanish version of Jesus Christ, Superstar.   You can see why!)

        Hello, Mum!

^        I’m going to have to keep my eyes peeled, aren’t I, Debbi!   😁   (Richard Attenborough was damn good in the thing, I know that.   Did you know he directed Gandhi, back in the day?   As I recall, it’s still holds the record for the most extras in one scene.   Most films, today, use CGI crowds.)


  1. Q1) Happy Birthday

    Q2) Soap

    Q3) Sanitiser

    Q4) Alcohol (although I think against COVID they recommended at least 70%)

    Q5) Well, I jumped the gun. COVID-19.
    It was quite good, the event. They also did a dance performance, as the young ballet dancers of Catalonia rehearse at the same venue, and the sculptor was quite chatty and a pretty interesting guy (did I tell you he work in the building trade until his late thirties when he decided to retrain and become a sculptor? He's doing pretty well too).
    Yes, you are right, Camilo Sesto was Jesus in the first production of Jesus Christ Superstar here, in Spain. He was quite well-known already, at the time, and he was the one who insisted on bringing the musical here and was one of the producers as well.
    I saw your comment about Richard Attenborough as well. He was Chancellor of Sussex University, where I studied American Literature and got my PhD on Film as well, but, unfortunately, he was ill when I went to pick up my PhD (I didn't physically go to collect the degree, as I was doing a locum), so I didn't get it from him. It was a big disappointment, but...

  2. 1 H0appy Birthday
    2 Soap
    3 Sanitiser
    4 Alcohol
    5 Cuovid 19

  3. 1. Happy Birthday
    2. Soap
    3. Sanitiser
    4. Alcohol
    5. Covid 19

    I can see why he is in the production.

  4. Movies have changed. Especially the big budget ones! :)

    1. Mary Had a Little Lamb
    2. soap
    3. sanitiser
    4. alcohol
    5. COVID-19

    And here's my own teaser. Inspired by ... can't imagine! :)


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