
Friday 20 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th September 2024

20th September, 2024.

Right … it’s officially Friday … and I’ve got time on my hands!

Or, at least, enough time on my hands to have a phone appointment, this afternoon: with my surgery’s diabetes nurse.


My sugar levels will have gone down: and I’ll be able to watch the next episode of The Celestial Toymaker with some good news.


Just as a pointless piece of news?

Did you ever hear of Subbuteo?

It’s a tabletop version of football: where you flick miniature footballers around as part of the game.

I’ve not seen or heard or it: since working in a toy-shop, many years ago.

Until this morning!

It turns out the Subbuteo World Cup starts today: in Tunbridge Wells.

That’s very retro!


Thursday 19 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19th September 2024.

19th September, 2024.

What happened there … ?

Yesterday, I was complaining that — using the updated version of Safari, Safari 18 — I was having trouble uploading video and photos: specifically to my Blogger-powered blog.

The one you’re reading now, in other words.

Today … ?

I had no problem.

Quite what happened, there?

Bar me, cleaning Safari’s caches?

And bar suspecting it had something to do with the update from Sonoma to Sequoia*?

I don’t know!


In other news … ?

You and I are both aware the Middle East is a … … 

Well, disaster seems the right word.

A couple of days ago?

A lot of booby-trapped pagers went off in Lebanon: ones own by members of Hezbollah.

Followed by exploding walkie-talkies, a day later.

My thoughts are with those killed and injured.


My curious side has come out to play.

And is wondering:
  • How who-ever did this managed to carry out those attacks.
  • Does anyone else know how to do it?
That’s the worrying bit … 


Just as a last thought about macOS Sequoia?

The new window tiling feature that’s been introduced looks useful, already.

It’s letting me arrange the template I use to write these Teaser posts.

That’s handy: it makes dragging and dropping from one file to another, a lot easier.


Wednesday 18 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-9-2024 — The Referendum

18th September, 2024: the Referendum.

Well, that’s an annoyance!

I’ve updated my Mac, yesterday: to macOS 15 Sequoia, and — as part of the process — the web browser to Safari 18.

The new OS seems sign: and includes a new Background feature in Quicktime, one I used to make the introduction video.

And a funky new screen saver or two*.


The updated version of Safari seems to have issues keeping me signed in to Blogger … whilst uploading videos and photos to a given post.

I had to use Google’s Chrome browser to upload those.

That’s an annoyance.

Especially when you consider uploading these things was no problem … before the update.

Oh … and I’ve JUST been sent a message in Facebook Messenger: only to be told ‘end to end encryption isn’t supported in this browser’.

It was yesterday!


I think Apple needs to put some work in.


A few days ago, I found out that someone had been been murdered: at the council accommodation I’d lived in, in Ingrave Road.

I was shocked, and saddened: but not necessarily surprised.

But I now know the name of the man who was killed: 63 year old Francis ‘Frankie’ Reilly.

I never knew the man.

But I’m sorry to see him go.


Tuesday 17 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-9-2024 — Bewitched

17th September, 2024: Bewitched.

Right … It’s Tuesday: and we can safely say I’m back from my weight management group.

And … ?

I’m officially up, six hundred gram: cancelling the half a kilo I lost, last week.

If anyone has a sarcastic picture of a yo-yo, I’d love to see it!


On other fronts?

I notice one piece that’s gone past on this morning’s Today programme.

That — according to a study by Aston University — the UK’s imports from, and exports to, the European Union have gone down since Brexit.

I’m … unsurprised.

And, frankly?

Pleased I voted Remain, in 2016.

And shall tactfully remain silent … … 


Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of X … ?

Has been behaving badly.

Seemingly, he’s made a — now deleted — post on the service: complaining that no-one’s trying to assassinate Kamala Harris.

There’s possibly a lot we can say.

But I’m betting the word ‘irresponsible’ will be one of the words we use.

And, in a statement to reporters?

The White House has said “Violence should not* be condemned, never encouraged or joked about …”

To quote Terry Pratchett, again … ?
“Now there’s a line that needed the celebrated Guardian proof-reading.”
Terry Pratchett.

Monday 16 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-9-2024 — Malaysia

16th September, 2024: Malaysia.

Right … 

It’s officially a Monday morning.


As ever, I’m up early: as I have a weight management meeting, today.


I’ll’ve lost more weight: which would carry on the trend from last week.

Here’s hoping!


It’s also official: there’s a bit of a fuss in the United States.

Yes: someone’s tried assassinating Donald Trump … again!

They missed, I should add.

But have been arrested.

Which is a good thing: at least the suspect can be questioned about his motives.

But … ?

I have to ask a couple of things.

One … ?

For all the USA’s vaunted Right to Bear Arms, how is it assassins cant seem to shoot straight?

Second, and more seriously?

How is it Trump’s managed to annoy people enough, that people think shooting him is a good idea?

He should lose the election, by losing votes.

Not get shot, before the election.


Just as a last thought … ?

We know Keir Starmer’s premiership is in trouble: in between the Winter Fuel payment, and a potential donation scandal, already.

That does put me in mind of an old Terry Pratchett quote: from Small Gods.
“[At every election] someone was elected to be Tyrant, provided he could prove that he was honest, intelligent, sensible, and trustworthy.   Immediately after he was elected, of course, it was obvious to everyone that he was a criminal madman and totally out of touch with the view of the ordinary [person] in the streets”
That quote’s probably got a lot of applications: especially if you can included the word ‘corrupt’, somewhere!


Sunday 15 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th September 2024.

15th September, 2024.


It’s Sunday!

Which means we can hop, skip, and dance, all over the house.

If our knees are working!


Moving on … ?

I’ve caught “The Hall of Dolls”, the second episode of classic Doctor Who serial, The Celestial Toymaker, on Friday.

I have to admit, it’s been edited.

As the audio from the original 1966 broadcast includes a version of Eeny Meeny Miny Moe … that includes the ‘N’ word.

It was 1966: times were very different.

I think we can also say that, were the story to be made, today, that line of dialogue would changed before it hit the screen.

With the release of the animated version of the story, the word’s been removed.

I’m thankful.

I’m not comfortable with the word cropping up in my favourite TV show.


On Friday … ?

I told you that someone had been murdered at Four Oaks, where I lived before moving to Rollason Way.


It seems a thirty-eight year-old has been arrested.

I’m glad to hear it.

I know from both experience, and from what I’ve been told, that the place had some troubled residents.

But murder … is pushing it!


Saturday 14 September 2024

Doctor Who — The Celestial Toymaker — Episode 2 — “The Hall of Dolls” — A Review

13th September, 2024: An Introduction.

Yes: it’s Friday, again.

And, frankly?

I’ve had a quiet day.

Bar getting a little shopping … and forgetting to pick up a prescription!

Never mind!

At any rate … ?

It’s a Friday: dinner is cooking.

And … ?

Once I’ve had that, and caught another episode of The Big Bang Theory … ?

I’ll be watching the next episode of classic Dr Who series, The Celestial Toymaker: you’ll be reading this, or watching the video version, by Sunday, 15th September.

I’ll see you then.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th September 2024.

14th September, 2024.

Right, then: Saturdays … 

And … ?

The day after Friday.

I managed to afford some shopping, yesterday: but … ?

Need to go back to the high street, as I forgot to pick up some medications.

There’s always something, isn’t there … ?


There’s a war on, you know.

Or, at least, military action: as Russia’s war on Ukraine carries on.

Yesterday?   Keir Starmer, the UK’s Prime Minister, met with President Biden to discuss a range of subjects.

Including the War in Ukraine: and more aid.

In the shape of missiles capable of hitting Russian military bases, in Russia.

Except … ?

Ukraine isn’t allowed to use the things.

And, as a result of the two hours worth of talks?

Is still not allowed to use the things on Russian territory.

Why?   I don’t know.

But it seems a bloody stupid move to give or sell — at a discount — a lot of long range missiles … and then say to Ukrine, “You’re not allowed to use them.”

What on Earth is the point of that … ?


Friday 13 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th September 2024.

13th September, 2024.


It’s Friday!

And … ?

It’s vaguely amazing to me that Ferdinand Marcos Jr — who I’ve quoted, today — is also known as Bong Bong.


I don’t know.

But it must be true: it’s on Wikipedia …


I’ve got to admit, I’m rather proud of my nephew, Jude.

He was over, last night: making a video, so you know.

When I went to get dinner, he managed to spill a glass of water I keep on my table: but cleaned it up after himself.

He both let me know — over WhatsApp — and apologised.

He’s a good kid.


I’ve caught the news, earlier: floating around the BBC’s news website, as I do.

And couldn’t help but notice that a serious assault on Ingrave Road has now turned into murder: after the assaulted party died in hospital.

I’m shocked: as I recognised the place the policeman’s posted outside.

It’s what used to be Brentwood Maternity Hospital, and is a mixed block of bedsits and one-bedroom flats called Four Oaks.

I’m shocked … because I used to live there!

OK, the place always had a few dodgy residents.

But finding out a murder’s been committed, there, was shocking*!


Thursday 12 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th October 2024.

12th September 2024.

Right … it’s officially Thursday: and my knee is twanging.


I’m thankful I’ve got prescription painkillers, painkillers that are starting to kick in.

That makes things easier!


Oh, I caught another episode of Babylon 5, last night.

It’s nice to see an episode with the late, great David McCallum in it.

But wasn’t surprised to find out his character was the villain of the piece.

They’re easy to spot: they’ve all got British accents!

I’ll be surprised if episode five’s villain doesn’t.

At any rate?

I’m enjoying it … but struggling not to laugh at moments of high seriousness.

Especially when Ivanova said “You’re too young to experience that much pain.” to another of the guest characters.

And said this with a straight face!

Only Dallas got that camp!


Hmmm … 

I have sleep apnoea: a condition that means I get very erratic sleep.

Unless I use the CPAP machine I’ve been given.

It turns out that — according to this report — an epilepsy drug called Sultiame could be helpful.

Although the BBC report tells us more investigation is needed.


I don’t know if I’d go for it.

The CPAP machine seems to be working well enough for me.

And, with type two diabetes, an under-active thyroid, depression, joint pain, low blood pressure, and lord alone knows what’s happening in my chest … 

I’m on enough medication, already!


Wednesday 11 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th September, 2024.

11th September, 2024.


It’s Wednesday!

And I’m up, early, for the second time this week!

I’ve got the usual blood-tests for type-two diabetics need to take.


Hopefully, when I have the usual appointment with my diabetes nurse, next week, that my blood sugar levels are down.


I have to admit, I caught another episode of Babylon 5, last night: and have to admit, it’s — still — interesting.

The design of the station, itself?

Is quite something.

And the costumes in last night’s episode?

With what looked like a hell of a lot of lace covered brocade?

Had me thinking of some of Prince’s stage wear.

It’s quite something,

But that’s not what I wanted to mention.


I have a mild issue.

One character, Lt-Commander Susan Ivanova, is supposed to be Russian.

Given that?

Why, oh, why … is she called Susan … ?


Tuesday 10 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10-9-2024 — The Rock of Gibraltar

10th September, 2024: the Rock of Gibraltar.

Right … it’s official Tuesday!

Which possibly means a lot of things: chief amongst them … ?

The amount of iPhone 16* analysis, after the Apple event, yesterday: including from Radio 4’s Today programme.


I’m just disappointed the company didn’t announce a new Mac mini: I’d be interested in hearing how true some of the gossip is!


Monday 9 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-9-2024 — Tajikistan.

9th September, 2024: Tajikistan.

Right … it’s officially Monday.

And I’m up early.

Yes: I’m off to this week’s weight management meeting: in the desperate hope I’ve lost weight.


You’re possibly aware I’m a bit of a Mac fan.

So … ?

You’re possibly aware of the song-and-dance Apple are making: about today’s big Apple event.

The company’s expected to release details of it’s new models of iPhone: along with updated versions of its operating systems.

But … ?

There’s also rumours that the company will be releasing a new version of its successful Mac mini line of computers.


I’d be interested in seeing those: and in how they’ve both increased the spec: and redesigned the case.


Just as a last thought … ?

I managed to catch the first episode of Babylon 5, last night: as I’d never actually seen it.

Granted, this first episode seems very American, very soap opera and — with the monologue in the opening titles — owes a nod to Star Trek.

And Commander Sinclair seems to be exactly the kind of authority figure Terry Pratchett was parodying in Sam Vimes.

But … ?

It looks like it’s worth watching: even if my first thought was that it’s Star Trek, done by Republicans!


Sunday 8 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8-9-2024 — Asturias.

8th September, 2024: Asturias.

Right then … it’s officially Sunday.

And we had a thunderstorm over night.

I wish I’d tried to record that: it would’ve been a spectacular thing to show you.

But … ?

Well, I was in bed at the time!


At any rate … ?

I caught a TV show, on Friday.

Or, at least, caught the first episode of the recently released The Celestial Toymaker.

It’s a lot better than I thought it would be: although — as I say in my review — I’m not totally impressed with the design work.

We’ll have to see how the next few episodes pan out.


Saturday 7 September 2024

Doctor Who — The Celestial Toymaker — Episode 1 — “The Celestial Toyroom” — A Review

6th September, 2024: An Introduction.

It’s officially Friday.

No: I’m not going to not have fish and chips.

I’ve got the fish cooking, as I write.

And I’m just about to make the chips!

At any rate … ?

It’s a Friday night, and, once I’ve had dinner?

I’m going to start watching the recently released Classic Dr Who serial, The Celestial Toymaker: and should have my written and video reviews done by Sunday.

I’ll, hopefully, see you then!


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7th September 2024.

7th September, 2024.


It’s Saturday!

Which means we’ll allowed to dance about in a way that borders on frenzied.

So long as our knees allow it.

On a more serious note?

I’ve got a reviewed planned.

Keep your eyes peeled.


OK … we watch the news, don’t we?

Or, at least, we pay attention to it: and, therefore, we know that there’s been another school shooting in the US.

In Georgia.

Both the fourteen year-old shooter, and his father*, have been arrested: and charged in connection with the crimes.

We also know the USA is holding a presidential election, this November.

What we may not realise?

Is that Republic vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, has given a campaign speech about it: in which he calls such things a ‘fact of life’.

Referred to the killer as ‘a psychopath’ … 

And says that US school security should be boosted.

Frankly?   I don’t know if the killer is psychotic.

But is a hormonal teenager who’s been brought up in a culture that has easy access to guns.

As for boosting school security?

I think Mr Vance only has the half of it.

America needs better gun control: not just better security or shooter drills.


Just as a last point … ?

I was in Brentwood High Street, on Thursday: and forgot to mention a bit of a find.

We have plenty of gadget shops in town: as, I suspect, do many others!

I went past one … and noticed the vintage G4 Power Mac they had in the window!

I had one, myself, many years ago: one significantly older than the pictured one!

I don’t know if it’s functional: I suspect not.

I do know it’s not for sale, as I asked the assistant about it.


It was nice to see.


Friday 6 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th September, 2024.

6th September, 2024.

It’s officially official: it’s Friday.

And … ?

I’ve picked up — and taken — the Mounjaro I’ve been prescribed.

Hopefully, the blood tests I’m due to have, next week, will show what sort of effect it’s having.

I think it’s doing something.

Unlike the Trulicity I was on — but much the Ozempic I was originally using — I get a case of the jitters once I’ve had a dose.

I’m taking that as a good sign.


I don’t know if some things are wise.

I’ve done a few things over the years, that definitely weren’t!

But … ?

I’m thinking about politics, here.


Donald Trump has confirmed that — should he win this year’s US presidential election? — he’s planning to appoint X owner, Elon Musk, to what Trump calls a ‘government efficiency force.’

After Elon publicly endorsed Trump’s campaign.

Outside of the fact that that sounds like a ‘Cash for Honours’ arrangement?

I don’t think that’s wise.

It’s whiffy, rather than wise: smelly, rather than sensible.

But if appointing a man who owns a media platform is wise, is sensible, is — ha — a good thing?

Then Silvio Berlusconi’s appointment as Italian PM — despite his owning three of Italy’s biggest TV channels, despite his alleged links to the Mafia, despite the many controversies — was very wise, indeed.


Thursday 5 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-9-2024 — The Winner Takes It All.

5th September, 2024: The Winner Takes It All.

Right … it’s officially Thursday: and … ?

I have to pick up some medications.


I have to head for the chemist: in weather that’s best described as ‘damp’!






That’s not that much older than my nephew.

So the fact a fourteen-year-old has been charged with murdering an eighty-year-old dog walker in a park in Leicestershire is shocking!

As is a school shooting in the US state of Georgia, yesterday.

Committed by — you guessed it — a fourteen* years old.

Quite what’s happening in the world, when fourteen year olds are murdering people?

I don’t know!


Wednesday 4 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-9-2024 — El Lay

4th September, 2024: El Lay.

It’s officially Wednesday … which frankly … 

Means I’ve got the day free, having finished rendering a lot of videos!

I might just have to watch some TV in between everything else!


As I’ve started writing this … ?

I’ve got the Today programme, Radio Four’s early morning current affairs programme, on in the background.

Do you remember hearing the news about the Grenfell Tower fire, back in 2017?

I certainly do: seeing the images of a burning tower block was one of the most shocking things I think I’d ever seen in my life.

Even now, it’s distressing to see.

What was shocking for me … ?

Was the fact I had a (thankfully) distant connection to it.

I worked for Pinnacle, at the time: the company handled out of hours emergency repair calls for various social landlords, including Kensington and Chelsea Council, the owners of Grenfell Tower*.

I knew the young woman who was on duty, that night: who handled the horde of emergency housing requests that started coming in.

Quite how Hayley coped, I don’t know.

But she ended up with Pinnacle’s equivalent of being mentioned in dispatches.

I can only hope that got her a pay rise, if nothing else.

At any rate, it was a shocking thing to see: this sort of thing is not supposed to happen in a civilised country.

If at all!

The reasons I mention all this … ?

Is relatively simple.

The Today programme tells us the inquiry is due to issue its report, today: at 11.00.

I can only hope that — given the deaths, injuries and trauma the fire caused — lessons can be learned, and future fires prevented.

We could do without another Grenfell.


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-9-2024 — Merchant Navy Day

3rd September, 2024: Merchant Navy Day,

Hey Ho … !

It’s Tuesday!

And … ?

From what I learnt at my weight management class, this week, I’ve gained weight: but still, the trend is downwards.

It would be nice to lose some, next week.

We’ll have to see.


Monday 2 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-9-2024 — The US Treasury

2nd September, 2024: the US Treasury Department.

It’s Monday!

Or a Monday.

And … ?

I’m up early.

Yes: I’m off to me weight management class, today.

Hopefully, I’ll’ve lost weight.


I mentioned, a few days ago, that a certain relative fancied a new phone for Christmas/birthday.

A rather expensive one!


The family will be able to sort out something!

Even if it’s just a Barbie phone … !


Right at the moment?

I’ve got the Flying Pickets version of “Only You” on, at the moment.

The irony of the thing isn’t lost on me.

It was — at one point — Margaret Thatcher’s favourite song.

By contrast, the band … ?

Raised a lot of cash, playing left wing benefit gigs.

I don’t think anyone mentioned it to Maggie!


Sunday 1 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-9-2024 — Alberta.

1st September, 2024: Alberta.

It’s officially Sunday!

And the first of the month!

I’m … 

You know, the older I get, the harder it is to get excited by stuff: but … ?

At least I know it’s getting nearer to mid November: when series two of Silo starts airing.

The set design on that show is very impressive!
