
Monday 16 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-9-2024 — Malaysia

16th September, 2024: Malaysia.

Right … 

It’s officially a Monday morning.


As ever, I’m up early: as I have a weight management meeting, today.


I’ll’ve lost more weight: which would carry on the trend from last week.

Here’s hoping!


It’s also official: there’s a bit of a fuss in the United States.

Yes: someone’s tried assassinating Donald Trump … again!

They missed, I should add.

But have been arrested.

Which is a good thing: at least the suspect can be questioned about his motives.

But … ?

I have to ask a couple of things.

One … ?

For all the USA’s vaunted Right to Bear Arms, how is it assassins cant seem to shoot straight?

Second, and more seriously?

How is it Trump’s managed to annoy people enough, that people think shooting him is a good idea?

He should lose the election, by losing votes.

Not get shot, before the election.


Just as a last thought … ?

We know Keir Starmer’s premiership is in trouble: in between the Winter Fuel payment, and a potential donation scandal, already.

That does put me in mind of an old Terry Pratchett quote: from Small Gods.
“[At every election] someone was elected to be Tyrant, provided he could prove that he was honest, intelligent, sensible, and trustworthy.   Immediately after he was elected, of course, it was obvious to everyone that he was a criminal madman and totally out of touch with the view of the ordinary [person] in the streets”
That quote’s probably got a lot of applications: especially if you can included the word ‘corrupt’, somewhere!


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        16th September is Malaysia Day.   It marks the founding of Malaysia in which year of the 1960s?

Q2)        Malaysia, itself, is a Federal what: republic or monarchy?

Q3)        Malaysia includes how many states: twelve, thirteen or fourteen?

Q4)        Malaysia includes how many federal territories?

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s Malaysia’s capital: George Town, Kuala Lumpur or Ipoh?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        15th September is World Lymphoma Awareness Day.   Lymphoma affects what: the blood, the lungs or the skin?
A1)        Blood.

Q2)        Lymphoma is a disease that involves abnormal cell growth.   In other words, it’s a type of which ‘C’?
A2)        Cancer.

Q3)        15th September is Engineers Day.   Where: Iceland, India or Iran … ?
A3)        India.

Q4)        15th September marks the start of National Hispanic Heritage Month.   Where: the UK, USA or Germany … ?
A4)        The USA.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Astrid Proll was arrested in London: on 15th September, 1978. Was was a member of what: the Provisional IRA, the Baader-Meinhof Gang or the Tartan Army?
A5)        The Baader-Meinhof Gang. (As I recall? BMW cars of the time were nicknamed ‘Baader-Meinhof Wagens’: as the gang used them.)
Here’s a motto …
“برسکوتو برتمبه موتو”
“Unity is Strength”.
Malaysia’s motto.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        I knew there were a few Olga.   As I recall, Sir Terry’s was Posterior Cortical Atrophy: which affected his sight, at first.   I’m not too sure what’s Grandma’s form was: but Mum thought it wasn’t necessarily Alzheimer’s.   (Torrent apps, and Pirate-Bay-style sites you get torrents from, are surprisingly easy to use.)

        Me too, Debbi!   (Oh, is Donald Trump going to be changing his name?   To Donald Target?   Wikipedia’s seeing some action, I know that!)


  1. Q1) 1963

    Q2) monarchy

    Q3) thirteen

    Q4) Three

    Q5) Kuala Lumpur
    Great quote. I'll leave it at that.
    And I agree with you about shooting in the States. It puts me in mind of movies, where the good guys always manage to maim or kill their enemies, even if they only have one bullet, while the baddies seem to have all the ammunition in the world and never manage to hit their target.

  2. 1 1963
    2 Monarcy
    3 13
    4 3
    5 Kuala Lumpar

  3. If only they could shoot straight, right? :)

    I, for one, don't believe the Founding Fathers intended the interpretation the Second Amendment has gotten.

    As Philip Marlowe said in The Big Sleep: "So many guns, and so few brains."

    1. 1963
    2. monarchy
    3. thirteen
    4. three
    5. Kuala Lumpur

    BTW, Rick concurs with your opinion of Babylon Five. Like I said, I can barely remember it, which tells you something. :)


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