
Wednesday 19 November 2008

Tonight – Fit the Second.

O, dear Lord, that was a night with teething trouble.

If you’ll excuse the metaphor … ?

The one brightish spark was managing to get a quick and dirty snap of Danielle wearing an Old Peculiar top.   Which, if you hadn’t guessed by now, obviously means that her and Gemma, also on the bar, tonight, came in last place.   I’m not complaining, it gives me a chance to hang around with women that look like them.

On the downside, the King Harold is struggling for numbers.   I know it’s pretty petty, and I know the Credit Crunch is starting to change into an official Recession, but I really wish the amount of people who say “We’ll turn up, next week” gave me a flat out “Thanks, but no thanks”, or “Thanks, but not right now”.   It makes it a lot easier to know on who to spend my persuasive effects.   I should add that sometimes, these people can and do change their minds, after seeing the quiz, and me, in action.

We’ve had a team in, tonight, who are an example of the latter, I think.   The 3 Pints sat and have politely watched, over the last few weeks, had a go this week, won, and sound like they could well be back for the next few weeks.

I do know that I’ve had Joe – who’s one of the Harold’s mainstays – ask if going over to fortnightly or monthly may be a better idea.

I’m doubtful, frankly.

I do know that, having tried this at the Railway Tavern in Chelmsford, it didn’t work out to well for me.   The simple infrequency of the monthly format, there, to interest building up much more slowly than Chris and Rick felt comfortable about, and led to them canceling, after what would have been only a month in action, with a weekly event.   At least, that’s my thinking, here.

In the midst of all this negativity, however, there are sparks.

The one thing various the few building company heads, company directors, and assorted other business heads I have talked to, seems to feel that, hopefully, this recession should start to pick up by around February.

With that in mind, I started talking to the teams that were there tonight, about a bonus question.   25p extra, on top of the usual price of a pound, which’ll go into a separate kitty, and will be handed to the team that correctly answer the super tough question at the end of the night.   Extra prize money, in other words …

It’ll get split between the winning teams, if there’s more than one.

If there’s none … It Rolls Over.

To the following week.

And, as I’ve already mentioned, in previous posts, Rinse and Repeat …

All I can do now is quietly pray, persuade, and hope.   Wish me luck, folks, on that.

Anyway, I’ll post up the quizzes used tonight in the morning, and let you have the details, then.   G’night, all.

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