
Wednesday 10 December 2008

A Good Porking …

Hmmm … 

You know, I’ve had those Barack Obama questions sitting around for quite some time, now.

With that in mind, there’s the ANSWER’S to the Good Porking table round round I used on Tuesday …

Q1) This week sees the withdrawal of pork  products from which European country?

A1) The Republic of Ireland.

Q2) What has that meat been poisoned with?

A2) Dioxins.

Q3) What’s the preferred type of sausage meat, in Scotland?

A3) Beef.

Q4) If you’re a Ham, it means you’re some who overdoes things.   But in which profession?

A4) Acting.

Q5) The chorizo sausage comes from which European country?   Bonus for telling us what it’s flavoured with.

A5) Spain.   (Peppers)

You’ve been warned …

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