
Wednesday 28 January 2009

Turning the Tables.

Well, it’s all change again!   And I’ll confess, I couldn’t resist it swopping the Robbie Burns table round – Burns night was Sunday –for an Australian one –because it was Australian day was Monday.

Either way, here’s the Robbie Burns Table round I used on Tuesday.   (Just a  minor point, here, I was talking about it with a friend, and misspelt it as Rabbi Burns   Which could’ve made for an interesting evening …)

Q1) The Globe was Robert Burns’ favourite pub; – in which Scottish town was it; – Dumfries, Alloway, or Carnoustie?

A1) Dumfries

Q2) Haggis is usually eaten on Burns Night; – but the earliest references to a type of haggis are found in which poem?

A2) Homer’s Odyssey

Q3) After a lot of delays, next year sees the opening of the Robert Burns Museum, in his home town of Alloway, near which port?

A3) Ayr

Q4) The Clydesdale Bank, one of Scotland three issue banks has released a commemorative Robert Burns note, this year; – is it £5, £10, or £20?

A4) £10

Q5) Outside of the Royal Family, Robert Burns is the only person to feature on three sets of commemorative … what?

A5) Stamps

Q6) In which year of the 1780’s did Robert Burns die?

A6) 1786.

Q7) In which of Robert Burns’ poems does the hero met Wizards and Witches, in a Dance?

A7) Tam O’Shanter

Q8) The family name, Burns, means what: – stream, river, or brook?

A8) Stream.

Q9) According to one of Robert Burns’ songs, the devil’s away with … who; – the excise man, the vicar, or the local policeman?

A9) The Excise Man

Q10) This year sees which anniversary of the birth of  Robert Burns; – 150th, 250th, or 350th?

A10) 250th.

And here’s the Australia Day questions I’m planning to use.

Q1) In what year of the fifties did the Blue Ensign become Australia’s official National Flag?

Q2) Which state allows the commercial cultivation of opium poppies?

Q3) Which edible Australian icon was created in 1923?

Q4) Which Nicole Kidman/Hugh Jackman movie is proving successful, this year?

Q5) Professor Arthur Farnswirth invented what, in 1957; re-usable condoms, the beer can widget, or permanent crease trousers?

Q6) Qantas is the Worlds 2nd oldest airline; – which European one is the oldest?

Q7) How long is the Great Barrier Reef; – 1000 km, 2000 km, or 3000 km?

Q8) Who were the first Europeans to find Australia?

Q9) Which Australian singer has a huge gay audience?

Q10) Which Australian object is twice as long as the Great Wall of China?

Enjoy noodling over them, and I’ll post the answers on Thursday or Friday.   Once I’ve used them at the Huttons quiz.

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