Just a quick thought, I thought I’d dig these up. Most of my friends know I’m a bit of a Mac fanboy. As it’s the 25th anniversary of the introduction of the Mac, I thought I’d post these two clips, here.
Yes, I’m perfectly aware that there’s pro and con arguments, either way, and I’m realistic enough to know this is a Windoze dominated world, and that Apple aren’t perfect.
What company is?
Lets face it, both companies are guilty of some extremely limiting license agreements*, dodgy practices, and assorted goings on.
However, I do believe in consumer choice. And, having used various incarnations of Windoze for most of my adult life, I feel a lot more comfortable with a Mac. (The version of Safari on 2 GHz Core 2 Duo Mac Mini that I’m using to post this with is one of Apples cheaper products; – it’s also ideal for those home users who wish to switch from a Windoze based pc to a Mac. You just plug it into the keyboard, mouse and monitor you’ve already got. Setting up Mac OS X is just as easy …)
But here’s the flicks I’d like you to watch … the first is the introductory keynote speech by Steve Jobs; – the first of what, to Mac fans, has become known as a Stevenote…
The second is the world’s richest man being very flattering about a certain product …
* If the retail car industry worked like the retail computer industry, it’d go like this.
You’d buy a car.
You would own that car, outright.
It’s your car, to do what you choose with.
But you’d be renting the engine.
And not from the same company that built the rest of the car, in most cases.
What’s more, they’re pretty choosy about who they give the keys to the bonnet to.
You’d only have a very small hole to put your dipstick into, as well.
Now, there’s an ambiguous statement …
We’re back to the old Open Source/Closed, or proprietary, Source argument, here, aren’t we? And that’s not a perfect analogy, either, but …
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