
Sunday 8 March 2009

Brentwood’s Cinema. Again …

I seem to have kicked off a hornet’s nest …

I wrote to the Brentwood Gazette, just recently, and I’m pleased to say it’s been published, in this week’s issue; – you can buy yourself a copy, or read it here.   There’s minor differences, but that’s pretty much what I expected.

It’s a boost for my ego, after the week I’ve had.

However, I’ve had comments to my original post and replies to my emails, which is nice.

Cllr Lewis, the council leader, voted for it; – you can read his comment, and Cllr David Kendall’s reply to my email, on my original post, here.

But I’ve had a reply to my email from the one Labour councillor named in the Gazette’s article, Cllr Mike Le Surf.   Here’s the text of it.

Dear Paul,
Thanks for getting in touch.
The main reason for my objection to the application was the size and scale of the plan. I also think it is an ugly “anytown” design that is not in-keeping with the surrounding area especially the older brick built residences in Western Road, Swan Paddock and North Road Avenue.
In my opinion we could not expect to get the best for Brentwood as there was only one application submitted. A development this size should have inspired some artistic competition and given us as residents a chance of matching our wish for a cinema in Brentwood (a wish I share with many residents) with a development that respects local people.
As a ward councillor in Brentwood South I represent residents living near to the town centre and could not support this plan as I firmly believe that our current road systems will not be able to cope with the expected increase in traffic therefore causing a damaging environment for the people I represent.
Thanks again for getting in touch. It is good to be asked to justify the decisions we make as borough councillors on behalf of local people.
Best wishes
Cllr Mike Le-Surf

Speaking personally, I’m more inclined to Cllr Lewis’ view, although – lifetime liberal voter that I am – that’s not an easy admission to make.

Councillor Le-Surf’s point about transport is well made.

But we have a mainline railway station.

And bus routes that could do with improving; – to some of the town’s more rural areas, as well as to Chelmsford, Romford, and other big towns.

One has to wonder what the local council are doing to encourage its improvement.

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