Hmmm. Bit of a late night email, here. and not one I was expecting, either. But, regarding Councillor Lewis, I had this email just now, from Karen Sheehan, who’s the Conservative councillor for Brentwood West. (We’ve at least two councillors for this ward. Both called Karen, which must be fun.)
Anyway, here’s the text of it.
Dear Paul
In 2004 one of our promises if elected to run the Council was to deliver a cinema and, as you know, we have now finally succeeded where the Liberals failed – for twelve years they did nothing but talk about it and, if given their way this time, we would still “just be talking about it!”
The advances we have made for Brentwood since 2004 are incredible, the High Street refurbishment is finally happening, recycling is approaching 45%, we have a ground breaking partnership with Essex County Council bringing us over £2m to decide how to spend on our roads plus management of our green spaces and many more benefits.
This did not happen without the commitment, superb vision and Leadership of Brandon Lewis and we are very keen to keep him for as long as possible before the General Election finally happens. But like all good men, Brandon has ambitions and the Conservative Party has recognized this and asked him to fight the Great Yarmouth seat to help us win the next General Election. We are all hoping he will be successful as he will be a real asset to the Conservative Party in Westminster.
With best wishes.
Karen Sheehan
Granted, I can’t deny someone ambition; – politician’s are human, too, in that regard, although saying that, read my posts about “House of Cards” – but I still feel it’s a letdown, that the person who helped his party do something so decisive for this town isn’t sticking around to at least lay the ceremonial first brick.
I know, I’ll send Gordon Brown a sarcastic email.
Mind you, at the moment …
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