
Sunday, 15 March 2009

Dungeree Time!

Yep, I think I’ve something else to be adding to the cinema bonfire.

I’ll quite admit, I really am not a political animal.

Well, beyond thinking that Martin Bell standing as an independent candidate, here in Brentwood, a few years ago, was a good thing.   There were, at the time, quite a few rumblings about political funding by a local church; – something Mr Bell stood against.

And I generally think that at least giving the Raving Loony’s a by-election vote wasn’t as mad as it sounded, sometimes.   Especially after Bootle …

So as you can imagine, emailing local politicians is something I usually don’t do in my spare time.

Which I’ve done a bit of, in support of the cinema, recently.

I became aware that Councillor Lewis — leader of Brentwood Council’s ruling Conservative group, who pushed the cinema complex through — also intends to stand as Conservative candidate, come the next general election, in Great Yarmouth.

I’m a touch put out.

I can’t help but think that – given the election is due at some point in 2010, and the cinema is expected to be finished by late 2011 – not at least making the effort to be still in place, as a local councillor, seems to be bad form.   And certainly has been giving the development’s opponents cause to comment.

At any rate, here’s the text’s of the emails.

Here’s the one I sent.

From: Paul Downie 

Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 13:34:36 +0000


Subject: Great Yarmouth

Councillor Lewis,

I’ve got to admit, I’m a little put out.

I couldn’t help but notice this quote; – “If you live in the Great Yarmouth constituency this is a good way to bring local problems to my attention.”

It should be familiar.   It’s from your blog about standing as the Conservative candidate, for Great Yarmouth.

Like I say, I’m a little put out.

I’ll happily admit to supporting you, and the rest of the Conservative group on Brentwood Council, in pushing through the cinema development.   As a lifelong Liberal voter, it’s been one of the few – if not ONLY – times I’ve thought about throwing behind a different party.

Mostly as a way of saying thank you.

But to quote from the Brentwood Gazette’s article about it, “The decision could see the development built in William Hunter Way by late 2011 or 2012.”

As far as I can find out, the latest the next General Election can take place is May of 2010.

Now, as you probably know, by now, I seriously support the cinema.

But it strikes me as a bit rude that the man who lead the group who pushed this through Brentwood Council, doesn’t want to see the building through to completion.

And certainly is giving fuel to the development’s opponents.

It strikes me that the man who believes this is the right thing to do, would be staying in town to help allay opposition fears, and promote the work he’s started.

Rather than – apparently – abandoning it, to pursue his political career.   And hope that Great Yarmouth isn’t treated in the same – apparently – cavalier manner, by other potential candidates.

I’d personally like to know your reasoning, and will of course, be posting it to my blog.

Yours, in mildly annoyed confusion,

Paul Downie

And here’s the quick reply.

Not sure how it affects whether you do or do not like or support the cinema. I think you overestimate my personal role but I appreciate the compliment in that regard. 

The conservative party and group in Brentwood is bigger then just me and no councillor can assume they will always be on the council, people retire, move on or are beaten in an election. My Hutton South seat is up for election in 2010 as well and it would be arrogance on the part of any politician to assume and expect re-election as of right. 

Best wishes


Make of this what you will.


  1. Did you ever think he wants to be MP for Great Yarmouth because thats where he lives? It may also be why he does not give a stuff what happens to Brentwood.

  2. Think I’ll be leaving a comment on his Facebook page. As you can tell, I’m in support of he, and the Conservative groups moves to build the cinema in town. But this does smack of bad form. Or a convenient escape Hatch.

  3. But here’s his contact details, if you’d like to ask him, directly, about it.

    Councillor Brandon Lewis
    428 Rayleigh Road,
    CM13 1SD
    01277 245590


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