
Tuesday 24 March 2009

Front Page News …

24th March, 2009.

Ok, it’s not front page, exactly … but it is, at the moment, on the first page of the news section of the Gazette.

Page two, in other words.

And it’s definitely nice to get quoted in the article.   I was hoping they’d mention the blog by name, but either way, I’m feeling pretty good!

Either way, here’s the text in full, courtesy – and copyright – of the Brentwood Gazette.
LAST ditch attempts to prevent a cinema development coming to Brentwood have been scuppered.

Residents against plans to build a six-screen cinema, shopping complex and new homes in William Hunter Way hoped Brentwood council's decision to allow the development would be called in and even overturned by the Government.

But this week Communities Secretary of State Hazel Blears told protesters she had decided not to intervene and the council's decision will stand.

Swan Paddocks Residents' Association member Phil Mynott was disappointed.

Should the cinema be built, Mr Mynott’s Western Road home would back on to the development.

“It seems surprising to me because we are in a situation where the decision was made by Brentwood council and not by a body which was impartial, because Brentwood council will financially benefit from this going ahead,” he said.   “It seems inconceivable a higher authority should not call it in, because it has not been an impartial assessment.”

Secretary of the Save Brentwood Action Group, Gerry Bender, was equally discouraged.

He said: “The decision by the Secretary of State was disappointing, but not unexpected.   The whole process represents a dark day for local democracy.   The failure of the politicians to engage and captivate local people’s imagination is a singular failure of Brandon Lewis tenure as leader of Brentwood,” he said.

“The legacy of the approved 250,000 sq ft of development and the cynicism which Brandon Lewis has generated over this shameful episode in the town's history has caused a rift in the community which will take years to heal.”

However, some greeted the news with delight.

Cinema supporter and blogger Paul Downie of Rollason Way said: “I was as happy as Larry.   I know there are arguments about the size, but speaking as someone who needs a job and likes movies, it's fantastic. It looks like in the next few years we will get a cinema I can actually walk to.   I’m looking forward to when this thing gets built now.”

Developers Stockland also welcomed the news: “We are obviously delighted that the Secretary of State has decided not to call in the William Hunter Way proposals,” said a spokesman.

“We are looking forward to progressing the work needed to bring new shops, new homes and a new cinema to Brentwood town centre.”

Council leader Cllr Brandon Lewis said: “It just confirms the decision was made correctly.
"It was the proper decision and the Secretary of State doesn’t believe there was a reason to call it in.”

Labour party leader Cllr Mike Le-Surf said: “I didn’t expect her to call it in, because it doesn't really fit the criteria for it being called in.   Although it's a big issue, it's a borough-wide one, not a national one, so it was expected.”
© The Brentwood Gazette, 2009.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve some printing to do …

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